Chapter Five

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 "One important key to success is self-confidence. An important key to self-confidence ispreparation."  - Arthur Ashe 


After she saw Ken's car disappeared from the lobby of the mall, Lyra immediately woke up from her own reverie. She looked at her watch and the time turned out to be 2:25 pm, and Lyra decided to return to the theater on the 4th floor.

After going up to the 4th floor, Lyra saw the theater from a distance, there were some theater staff gather in the lobby of the theater. 

How rare?  Lyra muttered to herself. 

The more Lyra walked closer to the theater, the more she could see the big tall figure between them. It couldn't be a mistake! It was Tommy Yoshida! The CEO of Yoshida Management, where this management oversees Jakarta46, and several other artists.

Tommy Yoshida himself was a mixed blood of Indonesia and Japan and had turned 42 years old, where he decided to make a management for Indonesian artists who want to expand in Japan, and vice versa. 

Since eight years ago, when Yoshida Management was formed, several YouTubers, artists, or Japanese-blooded models had a place in the Indonesian entertainment industry. Because of the large number of Japanese people who entered the Indonesian entertainment industry, some time ago the Indonesian Government who took care of culture and tourism cooperated with this management to attract more Japanese tourists to Indonesia. 

What a very good business strategy.

Lyra began entering the theater lobby where Tommy Yoshida found Lyra and called out to her. Other theater staff began to followed Yoshida's eyes to Lyra.

"Guys please, I know you miss me. Tonight after the theater, I'll treat you guys! Now I'll have a private conversation with Lyra first." Yoshida shouted to the Jakarta46 staff. After the staff disbanded, Yoshida went to Lyra. 

One-on-one talks? Asked Lyra in her heart.

"Hello Yoshida-sensei. How are you? "Asked Lyra.

Lyra and other staff always called Yoshida as 'sensei' which means in Japanese more or less like 'master' or 'teacher' or 'person who is older and experienced' to show some respect.

"Well Lyra, I'm fine. I am very happy to be able to go to the theater again after all this time of mess in the head office." Said Yoshida-sensei then laughed with Lyra.

"Well, today's theater's title is 'The Sun for Someone' from Team J. I'm sure Sensei must have missed watching your own talent." Lyra answered.

"Of course Lyra! Jakarta46 is my biggest project, and I still don't believe until now the success of this group, even reaching Japan." Said Yoshida-sensei. 

Then Yoshida-sensei continued, "How are you, Lyra? Have you still not found anything new outside Jakarta46? "

Lyra looked confused and then asked, "Did sensei expel me from the position of Fashion Stylist from Jakarta46? I'm a bit disappointed." Lyra murmured while pretending to frown.

"Oh! No, not like that. You know Lyra, you have been with the girls since their first debut. Don't you want to look for a bigger opportunity than Jakarta46? I mean, I want my staff to develop and be more successful than their previous careers." Said Yoshida-sensei.

Even though Yoshida sensei's intentions were good, but Lyra still could not leave Jakarta46, especially since she was still in her comfort zone, where she had not thought about anything going forward yet. It occurred to Lyra that after this she could marry a man she believed to be a boyfriend, but in fact the boyfriend betrayed her with another woman.

"Earth to Lyra!" Yoshida-sensei shouted at Lyra. Lyra who was daydreaming then realized. 

"Sorry, sensei, lost in my own toughts again." Lyra answered.

"That's okay, Lyr. Then you don't need to think about my words." Said Yoshida-sensei. Lyra just smiled shyly.

"Oh yes, Lyr. I have something to tell you. Do you remember the sports drink ad project from the UK that wants to work with us? "Asked Yoshida-sensei.

"I remember, sensei! How? Are there developments? "Lyra asked.

"YES! I have very good progress regarding the project. The plan is that I want Jakarta46 to release its 21st single sponsored by this sports drink. So two promotions at once." Yoshida said enthusiastically.

Yoshida continued, "Look, I have prepared a song for Jakarta46 titled 'Summer's Out!' And in my opinion, releasing the song while releasing the sports drink product would be the right thing."

"Sensei! That's a very good idea, I'm supporting! However, I forget what companies and what beverage products will be marketed by that company? Let me also prepare the costume concept of the members from now on." Lyra asked again enthusiastically.

"OK! I will send the details to you via e-mail. For the costume proposals of the members please send via e-mail also no later than two weeks after today." Yoshida-sensei continued,

"If I'm not mistaken, the name of the product is called 'Summer's Love', and the one producing it is Wood Inc., from the UK." Yoshida-sensei explained enthusiastically.

Lyra just nodded at the direction of Yoshida-sensei while thinking about what costume concepts are good for the members of the single "Summer's Out".

"Oh yes, Lyra! I need five costume ideas for this single this time. Because we are going to use three costumes. For the Music Video we use two types of costumes, and one costume for the 'Summer's Love' ad," Yoshida-sensei explained, and Lyra started to record directions from Yoshida-sensei. 

"Okay, sensei. Anything else? "Lyra asked.

"Yes. I can't find a PIC for this ad project, because all staff have their own dependents. Therefore I appoint you to be a PIC for this ad project. Tomorrow morning, around 9 o'clock you and I will go to the Wood Inc office for a basic meeting and exchange ideas for this concept."

"Tomorrow?? Wow, it turned out suddenly. "Muttered Lyra.

"Yes, I met the CEO of the Indonesian branch of Wood Inc. and I deliberately discussed our project first, where the CEO immediately agreed and invited us to his office tomorrow morning." Said Yoshida-sensei again with pride.

"What a jackpot, sensei! I'm happy too. I'll be ready there!" Muttered Lyra.

After Lyra glanced at her watch again, she looked up to Yoshida-sensei and said, "Well, sensei, I don't mean to leave you, but I have to work to prepare for the theater costume today."

"Of course Lyra. Take your time. I will watch the theater today but it looks like it's only the first hour because I have to take care of some things at the head office then promise to treat the staff earlier." Yoshida-sensei answered.

"Alright sensei. Thank you for your trust in me for this project! "Lya said.

"No problem, Lyr. Good luck!" Said Yoshida-sensei.

After saying goodbye to Yoshida-sensei, Lyra returned to the theater to work that afternoon. For some reason, Lyra was very happy and also a little nervous where she felt a little insecure about this new thing. But this opportunity did not come twice, Lyra had to be able to make this project a success.

By breathing twice, Lyra felt more confident and enthusiastic about carrying out the project.


HI my luvs!

I decided to drop chapter five earlier! How was this chapter? How do you think of this story so far? Let me know by commenting!

From now on, I will update the story on Friday!

Thank you for the support <3

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