Many passerby after forecoming what is going to happened try to convey their worry by shouting towards her.

"Hey! Look Out!"
"Oh My God! What is she doing there"
"Somebody save her!"
"Get away from there"

Hearing the warning, the little girl glances towards trucks direction and froze out in fear of whats gonna happen to her.

And like a cliched development a knight in a shiny Armor but in here an average looking boy ran towards the girls direction and pushes her away from danger. But in doing so he couldn't stop himself from directly jumping in front of the truck which actually would have stopped in front of the incident but due to boys momentum, he jumps right in front of trucks wheel and lived his last breadth with a smile like finally he accomplished something.


Yeah, a typical isekai beginning right?
No! Did everyone think I'm the Highschool kid. No, unfortunately in this case i was the truck driver. Yeah, the truck driver whom nobody actually gives a shit about. Everyone only care about the dead Teenager and injured little girl. Yeah, When the teenager pushed her she injured herself with the sudden force. No one cared about the driver who after the accident got arrested on criminal charge of vehicular homicide. Yeah, vehicular homicide. Oh don't know what vehicular homicide is?Well, it is a crime that involves the death of a person other than the driver as a result of either criminally negligent or murderous operation of a motor vehicle. In the first place, it's neither of the above reasons apply on my cash. First point no one even questions where were the parents of the little girl during accident, It was negligence on their part not mine. Second, It was not a crossing yeah that girl was crossing the road without crossing and no one tried to stop her. And third and most important one , do you know trucks contains brakes? I would have stopped the truck in time and it was hero wannabe who dived under the stopped car. If he hadn't taken action, no one would get hurt.

Seriously, consider our truck drivers feeling, man. Mc always gets himself killed by truck in anime and then lives a life full of adventure and surrounded by pretty girls who just wants his you-know-what-i-mean but no one cares about what kind of life did the driver goes through.

Let me describe what I have to go through
First, I have to spend some time in prison then when I came out my license is revoked so I lost my job as furniture delivery guy and  declared public enemy as a murderer of highschool kid and attempted murder at a little girl. I lost my social standing and had live a life full of hate and isolation. Only Animes and movies are my only source of reality escapism. Like that I spend my whole life and finally reached my limit and died.

Now that leads me to my current situation. Wondering? Why am I not happy with my current situation where I can let go of my tragic past? Well, it's like in actually isekai world is a fantasy everybody likes but fantasy are only good if you can only fantasize about it not actually live them. Getting isekai'd means All my education qualification , All my savings and all my collection of Manga, Anime , Light Novels and Otaku goodies will be all lost! Note :- it's not like the last one is the main reason and in another side I could I could have a harem fantasy.

Hm, How's that? Pretty unfair trade right? What didn't get it? Well, everybody likes to have a harem in their dream but in real life everybody will hate supporting multiple partner. Nowadays supporting one is a impossible task and I am talking about supporting both in  Emotionally and financially, then Constant fights between them what? Seriously you thought you gonna have a happy-go-lucky family. What are you a 10 year old? if peace could be obtain so easiy wouldn't there be world peace now and you wouldn't want to intrude in their fights and Lastly Spending night with multiple partners can be pretty exhausting. Ah! Actually scratch that last one Nobody gonna hate it.

Ah... I derailed from the topic once agai . Where was I hm... spending night with multiple partners Wait! what kind of idiot I am!
I was convincing you against harem but you convinced into it you guys are formidable. I am too close to the dream of having harem. As the wise men has said for gaining something you have to lose something Huhahahahaha haahahah. Oops, Focus! Ok let's state my wish but before that

"Ah.. God shouldn't I get more than 1 wish as you already said my new world is going to one with superstuffs. With only 1 wish wouldn't I just die quickly"

Seriously nowadays there are even some fanfic which I have read where they give 10 wishes! 10 wishes! Can't the God could take some inspiration from that.

The God strokes his beard then sighs and mumbles something in a low which I could only catch up by straining my eyes

"Huh! Got an another weeb. Seriously it's thrice in a month. They are pain in the ass and whats with this one with whom is he talking with"

"Wait what?"

I was shocked is that really a god but why he is making a face that says 'He I gonna be pain in the ass'. Oh no he isn't just making the face but literally just said that.

God then glared at me and suddenly it feels like the temperature dropped to some degrees. Is it my imagination or it is because of God. No! No! It should be the Air-Conditioner had some problem. Yup surely the Ac has some problem. God should repair it as soon as possible.

"Listen here, brat"


"You get to choose only 1 wish and quickly choose it otherwise I would just reincarnate you in another world without any cheat. I wouldn't give a damn even if you die in your first day"

Oh Shit! I can't take risk without cheat I don't how I am gonna survive if it's an easy world but It is better to be cautious Dont want to be born in some messed up world without any life preservation skill. Can't waste my time in monologue. Ok then

"Yeah I have decided for my reincarnation in new world. I want "

--- To Be Continued ---

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