two : L.A

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"Wake up," Haven shook my shoulder, and said my name again, a little louder this time. I groaned and opened one of my eyes glancing up at Haven. She wore a hoodie and skinny jeans, her hair pulled back into a ponytail. She looked ready to travel for two hours in a tight airplane.

"We have an hour and a half before our plane takes off." She told me pulling the blanket off my body. I whine and then lazily smack her denim cladded leg.

"No, it's too early." I say, and she sighs.

"Get up," She chuckles and then I hear her feet pad on my soft carpet and let out a deep breath. I wasn't ready for the big move; Haven and I's things were already moved so we only had to bring a couple things onto carry-on and then we were good.

I didn't bother changing out of my t-shirt and yoga pants. I wore a dark grey hoodie I got from my high school volleyball years and then re-tied my hair into a sloppy bun at the top of my head. I didn't bother to put in my conacts so I slipped on my glasses and tied my tennis shoes.

I wipe a small tear off my cheek, and let out a deep breath. This was my last few moments in my home, and I felt the urge to cling onto the memories. My room, once filled with posters, pictures, pillow and a variety of other small things. Now it looked empty, the shaggy carpet stained juices, and nail polish. It was the little things that made it my room, and now I was leaving all my old memories in this room, in this house. L.A. would be my new home where I would make a new life for myself, and I would be happier because I wouldn't have stains on my carpets.

I meet Haven in the kitchen after brushing my teeth and we grab a bagel and orange juice to drink. "Excited?" She asks as she chews bits of her blueberry bagel.

I shrug, "More nervous than anything, really. I just hope that I can get a better job fast and make a career out of that."

She chuckles, "Woah, I just asked if you were excited for the airplane ride."

I glare at her as I finish my bagel, brushing off my hands and taking a big drink of my orange juice. It was almost three in the morning and I was beyond tired and to make it better, when we get there it would be like, two hours behind of what I'm use to. Therefore my schedule would be mixed the fuck up.

"Goodmorning, ladies." My dad said tiredly, running a hand over his greying hair. He had dark circles under his eyes, and his eyelids drooped. "Ready to go, or do I have time to eat?" He asks.

Haven shrugs, "We have time. No rush."


"Ladies and gentlemen, we will be arriving at LAX in about ten minutes. Please fasten your seatbelt as we hit turbulances. It is for your safety..."

I buckled my seatbelt as I felt the plane go a little shaky and I gripped the armrest. I was between to middle aged men who gave me dirty looks as I sucked in one breath at a time. When the plane landed I was probably a little too eager to get off.

I texted Haven to meet me at the end of the bag check, and she did. Her hair messier than I remember and she looked twice as tired as me. "That was too long," She complained and I agreed. We don't say much as we leave the crowded airport and soon we're taking a cab to our new apartment.

It was more of a duplex, and it looked like something you found out in the country. The outer walls were a dirty brick, and the stairs were wooden as we walked up them, one at a time. The sun hadn't risen yet, but I could make out the image of a porch sing on the side, and I smile.

Haven unlocks the door carefully, and then flips on the lights as we step inside. Like the porch and stairs, the floors were wooden, and the walls were a cream color. The apartment looked like something of a dream really. But maybe that was because I was so happy.

Although our boxes were laid about the apartment, I could still see how each bedroom (two bedrooms in the apartment) was nicely spaced. Both bedrooms were carpeted along with the living room which looked in desperate need of a new wallpaper. Flowers, orange flowers, painted the walls and I felt myself cringe.

"We're going to get rid of that right?" I look at Haven and she gives me a sleepy nod. I sigh and we go down a small hall between the kitchen and living room, leading us to the two bedrooms at the end of the hall along with the single bathroom. "Right or left?" I asked and she bit her lip.

"I forgot which one was the master bedroom." She frowns.

I shrug, "So did I. So we'll just guess." I told her and she lets out a breath as she takes the room on the right. It was clearly the master bedroom, and I frown, "Damn." I grumble and walk into my room which held a metal heater, a small closet barely a quater size of the room and a mattress slumped onto the floor. There were a few random boxes at the foot of the bed, and I managed to find the extra sheets.

I laid on my bed and then checked the time. It was three in the morning, and I let out an exhasted breath. I was never going to escape three in the morning.

{Second chapter! Thank you so much for reading, I hope you enjoyed. Please make sure to vote and give us some feedback! Bye}

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