-Constant failure-

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"Because he's far away now. I killed him."

Time freezes, your body gets limb, mind zones out and your whole world seems to have come upside down in mere seconds.

You're caught in a lie again.

You passed your whole life trying to find out why Woozi left you, why weren't you good enough for him.

What was your flaw.

Of course you accused yourself many times, living under the conviction that it was your fault that he distanced himself.

That something was wrong with you.

From the one moment that you're the happiest couple and created unforgettable memories, everything changed.

Within one weekend.

He didn't answered any of your phone calls and ignored constantly your messages.

You didn't communicate at all.

It was such an instant and scary for you change that shocked you out, filling you with questions and guilty thoughts.

He only texted you once since the instant distance after your constant efforts to talk to him and solve all this.

And you remember it real clear.

Y/n it's over. Sorry.

And that's it, your rejection through a simple and short message that tore apart your heart.

Then was the last time you heard from him, since then being like dead for you.

So eronic, isn't it?

You'd never think or even believe that he could indeed be dead, instantly, without a reason and clue.

Because he's far away now. I killed him.

Jungkook, who is now calm from his own sobs and shaking, signals Taehyung to leave you two alone.

He hesitated a bit considering that you're literally sobbing right now, but he finally makes his leave from the room.

The door slam causes you to jump.

Turning to face nothing but an empty room behind you, you punch Jungkook's chest to free yourself from his embrace.

Horror posses you and you sob harder.

"No! You're a murderer. You disgust me I don't want even to see you!" you scream with tears falling from your bloody eyes.

And Jungkook's heart breaks.

It's like a thousand knifes stabbing his heart, when he hears you talking to him this cruel and unfair way.

His whole existence and more.

But he takes it, teeth gritting as he holds back tears of sadness to make their appearance.

Until he explains you everything.

You storm towards the door and for your bad luck, it's locked from outside.

Kim Taehyung.

Jungkook smirks knowigly at his best friend's intelligence, while you're cursing him mentally.

"Y/n please let me explain-" Jungkook says calmly, but you cut him instantly.

"Explain? No thanks. I don't wanna know how exactly you took his soul away." you say confidently on the contrary to your inner world.

Your heart is sank, broken, stabbed.

Jeon Jungkook, not just any random guy who got in your life, but the only man who you fell in love with so hard, broke your heart into a thousand pieces.

Your heart that is his now.

You continue to bang the door with all the strength you possess, hopping that a miracle will save you, but no result at all.

Bang, bang, bang, nothing.

Falling with your back now against the locked door, you let your body to touch the cold marble surface.

How can you always be so stupid?

Back in college you were so blinded by your first love to see that Chanyeol was an actual coward and only wanted to destroy you.

Let's call it immaturity.

Later Woozi, a boy that cherished you so much, proved too good for you and you're still unable to figure out that flaw of yours.

Let's call it imperfection.

Now you're considered to be more mature and wise as far as your life decisions are concerned, mostly for your personal ones.

You're already nineteen.

It was an incredibly strong feeing all this time, like a foreboding, that was telling you that Jungkook was the one.

That Jungkook was the one.

Could you and all your senses be so wrong, being unable to see the real man behind this mask?

This perfect persona.

You won't hide that you got really angry when learning that Jungkook was the one behind Woozi's extinction.

Your boyfriend's last breath.

Still you needed to explore, investigate, ask and finally learn the solution of this freaky mystery that haunted your college years.

You needed to know why.

Without your mind's permission, your body urges towards Jungkook's larger one and hugs him tight.

"Jungkook I want to to tell me everything."

A/n 🖤
And I oop- 😅
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