Clash: You don't like sharing your feelings, it's fine. But anyways, it's my turn.

Turtle and Quilbi listened intently, wanting to know Clash's story the most.

Clash: I was born in a place. I didn't realy name it. It was just home. My parents took care of me and my brother. Teaching us how to hunt and fight. But I noticed my mom and dad would always come home with big scars after long trips. And then they told me of the hunters.

Quilbi: Hunters?

Clash: Oh. Hunters. They're scavengers, except they killed dragons, using their skins and body parts to craft monstrous weapons and indestructable armour. My parents used to reassure me. They always won the fights. The hunters were never strong enough...

But one day they were...

They killed both my parents that night. My brother dissapeared after he went to avenge them. I killed a few weak ones - they weren't so weak looking back on it-

Clash tapped a long scar across his chest that looked much olded than the Darkstalker scars.

And then I decided to leave my island. What was the point of living in a place where the prey could kill you with your kin's own teeth and bone. I bet those damn rats wore my fucking parents like trophies.

Clash clenched his fists.

Clash: But anyways, I came here. And life got better. I don't care if I'm the last of my species or not, I'm just living my life.

Turtle: Dang...

Quilbi: Wow.




Clash: What'ya wanna talk about now?

Quilbi: Girls?

Clash: No.

Turtle: That sounds nice actually...

Clash: Fine.

Quilbi: I'll go. To me girls are like books, I can read them easily, but they get pretty boring.

Clash: Here cimes the talk about Moon being special...

Quilbi: But Moon... she's like, a book with a lock on it. You can see the cover is beutiful, but to get that key to her mind you have to become her friend. But now my problem is the second lock. The one around her heart... I have to find the key to that.

Clash: That was... a realy wierd metaphor. But I see what you're getting at. Turtle?

Turtle choked for a second.

Turtle: On second thought... ca- can I skip this? It's too hard, like, describing your love for someone.

Clash: Well I guess it's my turn now... Well, I can officialy say I have three gorls in my life, that being Carnelian, Blaze, and Anemone.

Clash cleared his throat.

Carnelian is... she's the most similar to me. A dragon who's seen the horrors of death and having to fight for your life. She's hard working, caring, and responsible. She seems to want to protect me the most, which makes me chuckle but I appreciate that she cares. She's the dragon I see growing old and starting a family with. She'd make a great mother.

Clash sighed, and then tilted his head back up.

Anemone is... Unique. She's bubbly, cheery, funny, and is nice being around. She's always smiling, which in turn makes me smile. That's one of her sides. The other is a shy side, which is kinda guilty about what she's done, which makes me want to help her be a better person. Then there's the dirty side...

Turtle: [visible disgust] Aw, dude!!!

Clash: I'm serious! She's so dark... and seductive when she wants to. She knows exactly how to drive me nuts. Her magic lets her get creative. Like one time she used candle wax and an electic eel!

Turtle: Oh my god...

Clash: And then the time she used enchanted seaweed and shells.

Quilbi: I'm gonne be sick.

Clash: Then the time she whipped out the harness on Carnelian...

Quilbi and Turtle: Stop!!!

Clash: What i'm saying is that she's addicting when she's like that.

Quilbi: You're disgustingly detailed.

Clash: And the there's Blaze... She's the newest woman in my life. She's curious, funny, caring, she has excellent taste in fashion. She's lacking in smarts but I could teach her some things. She looks lost. She didn't become queen and she doesn't do much now that Thorn's queen. She seems really bored. Which makes me want to take her away and let her see the world...

Quilbi and Turtle: Wow... it looks like you love them all.

Clash: What? You think I didn't?

Both: No... it just seems hard.

Clash: I killed Darkstalker, how hard can it be dating three dragonesses?

Turtle: Gross truths. Go.

Clash: I used your rock to heal my crotch after a long night with Carnelian and Anemone.

Turtle: WHAT!?!?!? I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!

They had a comedic battle and made peace.

[DISCONTINUEDIT'SDEADDON'TREADIT] Clash: The NergiganteWhere stories live. Discover now