Lemon: An Unexpected One Night Stand

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Clash sat on the smooth, cool rock by the underground lake. He peered through the exposed celling and up at the sky. The triple lunar eclipse had come along, sigaling the coming of the "night of passion". Apparently, all the moons being out but covered activated an instinctual drive in all dragons. In preparation, all the students had been told to leave to avoid, well, a school orgy. Everyone but Clash, some of the prophecy dragonets, Turtle and Anemone stayed. Clash wasn't alowed to leave, considering he was well, a wierd sight to say the least. Turtle and Anemone were to stay to keep animus blood out of the genepool and to avoid a royal egg being produced at such a young age.

Clash had even begun to feel wierd. His spines shed, leaving him with tiny nubs. And he felt the unimagunable urge to- you know what. Clash wanted to die walking by Tsunami earlier that morning. But he was more worried Carnelian could've been out f*cking some random skywing wherever she was.

"*sigh* Feels bad to be alone." Clash said.

"*gurgling* You know I'm right here right?" Turtle's head popped out.

"What? How long have you been there?" Clash demanded.

"All day. I've hung out on the bottom all day and plan to wait out this whole "night of passion" shtick." Turtle   glanced at the moons and then back at Clash. He saluted Clash and went back down.

Clash scoffed and walked down the corridor. He was going to try to sleep off his pent up urges. But he couldn't help shake the feeling someone was behind him. He'd hear irritated footsteps momentarily when he focused. When he glanced back, he saw nothing. He assumed he was just being driven sexualy mad and went into his room. He growled in frustation seeing it was covered in seaweed.

"Gosh darn it." Clash huffed and began scooping it up. He pilled it into the center and moved onto the edges. But when he turned back, the pile was messed up again. Clash put it in a pile again, the same happened. He put it in a pile again, the same thing happened. "Turtle! Are you messing with me?" Clash called out of his room.

No response.

Clash went to scoop it up in his arms. While he hoisted it, he couldn't shake the feeling they were moving. He squeezed them and they bursted to life, wrapping around his arms and legs and binding his wings together.

"AH WHAT THE-" Clash had his jaws ensnares and he was layed out on his back, gagged and bound by seaweed of all things. He heard a femenine chuckle and looked in the direction it came from. The dragon behind this decloaked herself. It was Anemone. She closed her kegs tightly and she was crouching, panting quietly. "Mwaht deh f*ck?" Clash mumbeld through the gag. Anemone snapped her fingers and the seaweed gag untied itself. "What're you doing? Here to kill me?"

"...No..." Anemone whispered ackwardly.

"Then-" The cogs in his head clicked into place and he realized how screwed he was.

"Clash..." Anemone whispered tenderly. "Fuck me." She got right to the point.

"...What?" Clash was speechless.

"Fuck. Me." Anemone hissed.

"W-W-WHERE IS THIS COMING FROM? I LIKE TRIED TO KILL YOU THAT ONE TIME!!!" Clash panicked and fiddled with his bonds.

"That day on the beach already made me want you. The humiliation and fear I felt made me want to do the same to you. But then you did something more..." Anemone continued as she stalked towards him. "I was obsessed with Darkstalker. That went beyond just the enchantment. I read Turtle's mind. I know what you did. You killed and ate part of the other one. Ever since that day I've been stalking you. I know he's in there, or at least his blood runs in you... Oooohhhh... I can smell him when I'm with you..." Anemone licked his chest lustfully.

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