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Here it is...
It's so hard to say goodbye, but I think it's time!



"I'll come back for you."

Those words rang in her head calling her back from the edges of darkness that had blissfully numbed the pain. She groaned, struggling to open her eyes despite the heavy eyelids that refused to move. Everything hurt.

Pain was the first indicator that she hadn't died and gone to heaven. Pain had been a constant reminder that she was alive, no matter how often she wished that she could just stop feeling. Pain was something she'd come to know well.

"Come back to me," a hoarse voice pleaded near her ear. It pulled at something inside her, refused to let her go back to the darkness.

Her eyes flew open. Bright green emeralds gleamed down at her, the sheen of tears adding a shine that made her feel like she was drowning in them. She licked her lips, her throat unbearably dry as she watched him pull away from her face.

"Kaliah," he rasped, his hands grasping the hand nearest him on the hospital bed, warming her. "Hey, there, Sunshine."

He looked so worn. There were dark circles under his eyes, a day's growth of beard on his usually clean shaven face, and his immaculate tux was badly wrinkled, probably because he'd slept in it. But his eyes were red and tragic as they ran over every inch of her face much like hands trying to commit it to memory.

"Dimitri?" she asked. Was that her voice? It sounded like nails on a chalkboard. She swallowed and tried again. "What are you doing here?"

He laughed, but the sound wasn't kind and it didn't change the haunted look in his lovely eyes. "Where else would I be, Sunshine?" His hands tightened on her hands, not enough to hurt her, of course, but just enough to make her worry he wasn't okay at all. "Haven't I made it clear yet that I can't live without you? You're my light, my home, my dream, Kallie. You very nearly killed me this time."

Kaliah felt a smile tug at her lips. He'd learned a few things from Miss Santillan. "Not very dramatic, are you?" she teased.

"Don't ever leave me, Kaliah." He spoke with such gravity, hiding nothing.

Twice now she'd returned from the brink of death to find him in her hospital room. The first time she'd raged at him, hardening her heart against the love she felt for him because she'd been afraid of being hurt again. She saw now that she wasn't the only one who could be hurt by the thought of having him walk away. The look on his tired face told her everything he hadn't been able to say all those years ago, and so much more.

Was she ready to stop running? Was she strong enough to take the chance of loving him again?

The alternative was to live through life as a leaf. Once, that thought had appealed to her, but that was before she'd rediscovered him, and the dream they could still build together.

Dimitri's pleading voice caught her attention once more. "I messed up. Jesse made me an offer I should have refused. I would have if I had just trusted you to love me despite what I suspected of my mother's affair. But I paid the price for my foolishness." He paused, taking a deep breath before he continued his confession. "The house, as soon as Jesse asked me for help, was yours the minute he gave me the choice. But we agreed to keep it from you, fearing you wouldn't willingly marry me without a reason."

Dimitri let out a harsh chuckle that was full of self loathing. It tore at her vulnerable heart. "It's all so stupid now that I listen to it! I kept you a secret because I feared that the media would drag you down with me if my fears became true."

She wanted to comfort him somehow but he looked like he wouldn't accept any form of kindness until after he'd gotten it off his chest.

"I meant to spare you, but I nearly killed you instead!" he cried.

"No, Dimitri." She couldn't let him do this to himself. They'd wasted too much time blaming one another to lose more now.

The door to her room flew open with a loud bang and Kaliah found herself staring at three worried pairs of eyes.

Miss Santillan was the first to speak as she ran to Kaliah's bedside, pushing Dimitri out of her way. "How's the future mama feeling?" she all but cooed. And her hands went to Kaliah's still flat stomach.

Kaliah blushed, raising worried eyes to look at Dimitri. But there was no reason for her to worry, for on his face was a proud smile where there had once been such ravaged pain. His eyes seemed to glow as they trailed over her body, taking in the subtle changes there.

Her mind was reeling. He knew? "How did y-"

Miss Santillan straightened. "Really, child, I'm a housekeeper, but I'm not stupid." Her tone was faintly insulted as she glared at Kaliah then Dimitri. "I've been saying from the start that the two of you were wasting time going in circles. And this man over here just couldn't get it through his thick skull!" The woman turned then to plant a resounding smack against the back of Dimitri's head.

"My turn!" Ronan cheered, oblivious to the shocked silence in the room.

"Oh, I have your smack ready, too!" Miss Santillan informed him, and Kaliah had to bite her lip at the look on Ronan's face. He looked like a kicked puppy. "The best thing Mr. Hale did was marry you and make sure you were carrying his babe. Now you both can stop fighting each other and give me the happy ending I've been waiting for."

Kaliah laughed. This was going to be her happy ending after all. After years of constant regret and tears, of anger towards the boy who'd abandoned her and herself for being so weak, Kaliah felt at ease.

Dimitri loomed over her once more, his face all she could see, his eyes all she needed to see. "I love you, Kaliah. I fought you like the plague and tore my own heart to shreds when I walked away. But no more," he whispered, his big warm hand framing her face. "I have a brother, Kaliah, who probably had a harder time growing up than I did. But my parents are back and they want to meet the woman who stole their unfeeling son's heart. I told Jesse I'd made a mistake as soon as I landed in LA, and I worked hard to make it up to you."

He lowered his head, taking her mouth in a soft, tender kiss. "Now I've got you, Sunshine. I'm not letting you go again. Please tell me you'll stay. Say we can be a family even if I am a fool."

With tears in her eyes, Kaliah nodded. "I love you, too. I always have." And she pulled his face to hers for another kiss.

Miss Santillan whooped as she broke out into an excited jig.

Ronan had Sydney wrapped in his arms when they came up for air. Kaliah raised her brow in question. Dimitri turned to watch the two with a smirk as he reached in his slacks' pocket for his wallet. He handed Miss Santillan a twenty.

"I'm just never wrong about these things, dear!" the older woman exclaimed as she continued her dance. "Rydney is the hottest couple right now."

Ronan raised his slightly flushed face to eye the woman. "That baby is going to be my niece or nephew!"

Behind him and Sydney, another voice, much deeper than Ronan's had him jumping out of the way.

"I believe I would be the uncle in this case."

Kaliah met a stunning pair of gray-green eyes.

"Hello, brother."


The end!

I know it was rushed and all but I wanted to leave it pretty open so I could come back and maybe add a bonus chapter in the future!

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this story!

And also what do you think of Dimitri's mystery brother?

Ah well, bye for now. Make sure to check out the new story I'll be working on if you haven't already read the first chapter. It's called SPARKS FLY.

Thank you!


I'll Come Back for YouOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora