Chapter Ten:

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So, I've completed chapter ten which is like the biggest milestone I've had as a writer! I'm so happy I decided to listen to my friends and try to publish some of my stories. If it wasn't for Wattpad, I probably wouldn't have gotten around to actually finishing this story. I'm about halfway done with it now (yay!)

Thank you for following this story; as a way to celebrate, this chapter turned out to be pretty long! Above, please enjoy the talented Taylor Swift's rendition of Drops of Jupiter (it's a pretty accurate representation of how I imagined Kaliah would sing the song). Also Kaliah's dress for her performance is more or less the dress Taylor wears in the video.

Enjoy, comment, and like to continue to follow Dimitri's and Kaliah's complicated stories!



It was with a sort of rude awakening that Kaliah discovered being Ariel wasn't all just singing songs and talking to moody crabs. Sydney turned out to be very adamant about maintaining a healthy diet and giving her the full experience of being a stand-in celebrity. Kaliah was supposed to wake up everyday at five in the morning to do a daily jog. She was also expected to swallow a shot of ginger that was so bitter, it burned her throat on the way down. A part of Kaliah was convinced the ginger was actually poison meant to slowly take her life's breath away.

But then Kaliah could be overdramatic when she really didn't like someone. She also happened to dedicate too much of her time watching Disney films where the mother figure usually had something crazy going on in her head.

Today marked the end of two weeks of preparing to be Sydney's singing double. It was brutal. Kaliah had done so many vocal exercises in the last two weeks, she figured she could also be called a professional gurgler. Sydney wasn't the least bit amused with Kaliah's way of looking at things.

Big surprise there, Kaliah thought grumpily. It seemed celebrities lost their sense of humor when they thought every little joke was somehow directed at them.

Kaliah's first assignment was set to be a small charity concert on Reignville's famous beach. The event was a surprise as far as anyone was aware. There was to be a little carnival type fundraiser to help benefit children with cancer with food, auctions, and live music. Sydney had gotten wind of the event and made sure her manager got her name in as one of the performers.

That was why Kaliah was currently sitting on one of the wooden steps beside the large stage that would serve as the set for Sydney's grand comeback. According to Sydney, Kaliah would be well hidden from the public behind the heavy curtains lining the stage. She'd also have a monitor to see when Sydney would begin to give off a well timed performance. Kaliah personally would have preferred Sydney use the pre-recorded songs they'd prepared ahead of time, but Sydney wouldn't be swayed.

"We're doing this one live, deary," Sydney insisted, clicking her tongue.

"Great," Kaliah grumbled, watching Sydney sashay back to the stage where she began to walk through the steps she'd use during the performance.

To say Ronan had been upset when Kaliah explained Sydney would be her new employer for the next few months was an understatement. He'd shouted in a mixture of broken English and butchered Spanish, so furious that Kaliah had feared he'd have a heart attack. He hadn't liked the idea of Kaliah being used, especially by the woman who would take Dimitri back with her when she managed to regain her voice and no longer needed a substitute. Ronan was loyal to a fault, so when someone threatened the happiness of a friend- forgetting just how hopeless that happiness could be- he took on the shape of her knight in shining armor.

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