Ch9~The Gym

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Cyrus~ Tj came back out and blew his whistle.

"Alright ladies, our next game is in two days, and we're going to win, you know why?" Tj yelled.

"Because wild cats never loose" the team yelled

"I can't here you" Tj yelled

"Because Wild cats never loose" the team yelled louder this time.

"Wildcats on three, one, two, three" Tj yelled

"WILDCATS" They all scream.

With that they begin practicing.

Tj was real good, or was it because I was here and he's trying to impress me, either way I see why he's the team captain.

Just then Tj shot the ball why looking at me smirking, and of course he made it.

~Time Skip~

"Alright guys take ten", Tj said to the team. They all looked Shock and began taking a break and headed inside the locker room leaving us two alone.

He came and sat down next to me. I blushed he look so hot right now, idk if it because I'm on my heat, or was it because the way his hair was a mess, and the way he was looking at me.

I immediately kiss him, and of course he kiss back. He pulled away making me whimper from the lost connection of his lips.

"Cyrus you got to be more careful, you can't just kiss me anywhere, we could get caught"

"Sorry, it's just I'm on my heat, and you're really hot" I said looking down.

Tj laugh and smiled. "Thanks babe" He replied.

"Hey bout to grab a snack you want anything" Tj ask me.

"Yes please, can I get a Twix" I said.

"Sure thing anything for you." Tj said. With that he left.

the players began coming out the locker room, and sat in the bleachers with me.

"Thank you so much for being here, you gotta come to every practice and game please." One of Tj team mates said.

"Why are you thanking me and why ?" I ask curious, considering, I didn't do anything but sit in the bleacher and cheer them and Tj on.

"You're are good luck charm slash our savour" he said.

"What do u mean?" I now ask confused more then curious.

"One Tj hasn't done the wildcat chant since summer camp, he said we're not worthy enough to say it, then he gave us a break, Tj never gives us a break let alone ten minutes. Then you all a sudden show up, and thing change, you but Tj in a good mood, you make him smile, you make him stronger, you make him play better, which helps us, because he less hard on us and more of a team player instead of a jerk."

"Really" I ask shock.

"Yup" he replied, with them all nodding there heads in agreement.

"Wow, well not that I know that I'll try to be here everyday" I said.

With that they all did there own thing.

Reed then came out the locker room and sat next to me.

"Hey it great to see you here" he said. Smiling making me blush.

"Same" then it hit me, Tj, I'm already on strike two, if he see's me talking Reed, I'm a dead man

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"Same" then it hit me, Tj, I'm already on strike two, if he see's me talking Reed, I'm a dead man.

"Our practice are usually close to people, Tj doesn't even allow parents in here while we practice. So how and why are you in here."

"Tj told me I could come in, because I'm riding with him after you guys practice to his house to work on our project" I said while pointing to Asher.

"Mmm, it make sense now, no wonder he was playing even better then usual, and gave us a break, well after you two work on your project, you wanna come to this party Greg is throwing. Everybody is gonna be there, even Tj. Plus I'd love to dance with you." Reed said smirking looking me up and down. Send shivers down my spine.

"I.i.i ask, mom, I.i.if. I.i c.c.can go?" I lied while stuttering and blushing. I didn't have to as my mom, but it was Tj I would have to ask if I could go to the party.

"You look cute when you're stuttering and blushing, anyways I hope to see you there." Reed said kissing me on the cheek, then leaving.

People were looking at me, I hope Tj wouldn't hear about this. Speaking of Tj
I wonder what taking him so long with the snacks, so I went in the break room, to walk in to see....


Author Note: Sorry I left you guys on a cliffhanger, but I wanted to make you anticipate for what's going to happen next, I hope you enjoyed this mini chapter because next chapter it's going to go down. Be sure to leave a like and comment, it makes feel appreciated. The next chapter won't be posted to like either late Saturday or late Sunday. Also what do you guys think Cyrus saw? Be sure tell me in the comments. Love ya, byeeee~M.W💚

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