Chapter 4

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"Ok Alvin she's ready" Eleanor announced from the top of the stairs. Both Alvin and Brittany almost jumped as soon as they heard her. When Alvin first come up with the idea of heading here, he thought that Jeanette would be the only one that he would want to see, however now as he got to spend more time with Brittany and learn more about her other side, he wasn't so keen on seeing Jeanette as he was a couple of minutes ago. All he wanted to do is to sit here on the couch right next to Brittany, stare at her, talk to her and perhaps even watch a movie together. Wait! That was it. This didn't have to be the last time they would see each other, after all he can just ask her out to watch a movie together or something. Although this was easier said then done. "Well then I guess I'll start heading upstairs" he started slowly carefully choosing his words"Although I have to say I had a great time with you Brittany". "Yes, it was really..." Brittany stuttered for a moment trying to find the right word that would really emphasis that one small wonderful moment she had with him. After all she also was surprised how much she actually enjoyed this time spend with Alvin and she definitely didn't want this to end. Perhaps there was a chance they could get together tomorrow or some other day? But how is she even supposed to suggest that? She never in her entire life knew that she will want to propose something like that to Alvin, so coming up with a way to say it was painfully difficult, luckily Alvin helped her out. "I was thinking if we could,perhaps get together tomorrow to watch a movie or something? If that's ok with you" ha added quickly. "I would love to" Brittany give out a large smile and for a second, she really thought about kissing Alvin on the cheeks, but she quickly realized that this might be to fast for him and would just scare him off, and she definitely didn't want to risk losing somebody as wonderful as him."Well see you tomorrow then and good luck with your studying" she jumped off the sofa and gave Alvin one last smile as she disappeared into the kitchen. "Ok are you ready then?" familiar voice made Alvin snap out of his dreams. He quickly turned his head just to see Jeanette standing on top of the stairs. However,he never seen her looking that beautiful in his entire life. She still had the top of her fur wet with water drops still dripping off her. Her body was mostly covered by the purple towel that she was holding firmly with her right paw. It covered most of her body except legs that Alvin couldn't help but notice were so slim and smooth. This really was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. Jeanette look even better than the time he noticed her from his house, in fact he had never seen her looking that stunning and the fact that she will be tutoring him was just unimaginable. That is if she even knew about. "Hi, I hope I'm not disturbing you, but I have a real emergency" he started. "I would really love to use some of your help if you're not busy" the fact that Jeanette was standing just few meters away from him in such an attractive way with almost no cloths didn't necessary help in boosting his confidence, but just made him even more shy and nervous. Jeanette must have saw it and quickly interrupted Alvin "Don't worry Eleanor told me the whole story" she said. Alvin suddenly froze waiting for her response. Hopefully Eleanor made his situation sound more dramatic than it really was, so that the chances of Jeanette helping him would increase. But Jeanette's next words convinced him that Eleanor did a perfect job in telling his story. "I would be more than happy to help you out. Just give me few seconds to get dressed and I'll meet you in my room" she gave Alvin a friendly smile and went back to the bathroom. Alvin couldn't believe in what he just heard!He was about to get help from one of the smartest students he ever knew who for some reason now appeared to be even more attractive than Alvin initially remembered.He slowly started heading upstairs accompanied by noises of silverware from the kitchen, it probably must have been Brittany, preparing the dinner. Right now,it was really hard for him to decide what to do next. Just few seconds ago he didn't even think about having a girlfriend and now he was torn between Brittany and Jeanette. Although it was kind of hard for him to imagine that Jeanette who was so smart and intelligent would want to be with someone so dumb like him. But what if she would want to? He didn't even know witch chipette he liked more. They were both really kind and caring as Alvin just manged to find out and they were both extraordinary beautiful. "Thanks for your help Eleanor. I really owe you" he said as he passed the smallest chipette on the stairs and entered the bedroom. The room was a lot smaller than theirs, which was something you would expect form the treehouse, however he make up for its size with comfort and cosiness. It had three beds with Brittany bed being the biggest one, which for some reason didn't surprised him. She always used to be a bit selfish, just like he was. Although he was pretty sure that if she was to choose her furniture again, she would be more likely to think about her sisters, which was something that Alvin could say about himself. To be honest he really liked the sudden change in Brittany's behavior. She no longer was so self-centered and egoistic as before, he really hoped this change would last forever. He never thought about saying it, but Brittany was now the person who he could imagine spending the rest of his life with. Suddenly the footsteps and Jeanette's voice made him snap out of his thoughts and as soon as he saw Jeanette's figure, he realized that perhaps it isn't Brittany that would be an ideal life-long partner. "So, did you bring the textbook with you?" she asked gently inviting him to the desk. "Yes, it's just a bit..." as slowly as he could he lift the book up to show her the state of it, unfortunately even such slow move turned out to be too much for the book to take as the pages automatically fell out of it once again landing all across the floor "...damaged" he finished already on his knees trying to pick up missing pages. "O don't worry" Jeanette kneeled next to him trying to help him collect all the missing pages "We can use mine, it is in slightly better condition". She had a few suspicions why Alvin's book might be in such a bad state, but she didn't want to discuss them with him. She knew well that it wasn't easy for Alvin to ask her for help, since he never asked anybody else for help before. She was kind of curious, why he didn't ask his brother to help him, but she had a feeling that this question might not necessarily put him in good mood, so instead she sat on the chair with Alvin sitting right next to her. "Don't worry soon you'll be flying through this stuff" she reassured him opening her textbook, officially starting revision.  

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