Chapter 3

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"Is this how you're planning to spend the rest of your weekend? Stalking people!" Brittany shouted out as soon as she let Alvin inside. At first, he got really confused and had no idea what Brittany was even talking about. It took him a couple of seconds to realize what has happened and as he was about to say something back, he realized for the second time that if he even wants to have any sort of chance of Jeanette tutoring him he will have to be as nice and polite as possible, after all if Jeanette wouldn't agree on his proposition her sister can always help him in convincing her. Unfortunately, in order for this to work he will have to be extra nice which definitely isn't going to be easy, but the perspective of three weeks without any computer games or going out wasn't necessarily the best way of spending winter holidays which were just around the corner. He took a deep breath before saying something that he couldn't remember saying in a very long while "I'm sorry if I scared you, but I was a bit unsure whenever I would interrupt you or not" he noticed that he unintentionally lowered his head a bit as he finished speaking, which was something he had never done before. "Well if you creep on people at night you can't expect....wait did...did you just apologies?" Brittany couldn't believe in what she just heard. Alvin would never apologies, not even when it was completely his fault and yet here, he was sitting in the living room with his head down looking...ashamed? Was it even possible for Alvin to look ashamed? Brittany discreetly looked at her sister. From the look on her face she could tell that Eleanor was as much surprised as she was. She fixed her eyes on Alvin once more trying to figure out what to say next, when she suddenly saw something in Alvin's right paw. "Wait is that a book you're holding?" she asked this time in a calmer and friendlier tone. She felt kind of bad for shouting on Alvin, especially now when he was just sitting there quietly in their treehouse. "O, this..." Alvin said quietly trying to hide the book so that the chipettes wouldn't see it's front cover, "it's nothing" he concluded unfortunately to late he realized that few minutes ago he tore some of the pages and put them loosely inside the book which now as a result of sudden movement flew out of it. Around a dozen of pages was now lying on the wooden floor in the living room. As fast as he could he threw the book on the couch next to him and went down trying to collect all of the pages before the chipettes could notice their content. Brittany exchange a quick looks with Eleanor before offering some help "Sorry about that, here let me help you" and before Alvin could say a word, she picked up one of the pages that was lying the closest to her. She stopped as soon as she notice the content of the page, she wasn't too sure, but it looked like it was from a maths textbook "Hey isn't that from a maths textbook?". Alvin tried as fast as possible to get the page back from Brittany trying to reach with his hand for it, unfortunately Brittany was way quicker than he was and she managed to stop him just in time by holding her hand in front of him, before handing the page to Eleanor "Recognize it?" she asked her. Eleanor didn't take too long to figure out what book the page was from and just before Alvin was about to try to get the page back from her, she said "It's from our maths textbook. We even had it today after lunch". Alvin stopped as soon as Eleanor said it, now there was no point in trying to hide the fact or even try to pretend that this wasn't the truth. He slowly sat back on the couch, now looking even more shy and embarrassed then before. "Look I may as well say it although I bet you will just start laughing at me" he took a deep breath before continuing "As you now we have an exam approaching and if I fail it again the teacher's going to call Dave who will most likely ground me. I came here to ask Jeanette if she could help me in getting prepared for it" his voice completely broke when he was saying the last sentence and tears started to appear in the corners of his eyes. He lowered his head to make sure Brittany and Eleanor wouldn't see this. He was absolutely sure they would start to tease him about what he just said but instead he just heard Eleanor saying "There is nothing wrong with asking for some help. We all need some help at some stage in our lives and remember that no matter what problem you will have we will always be there to help you with it" she handed him the page that he wanted back so bad a few minutes ago. "Yes, Eleanor's right there is nothing wrong with asking for some help, and I am sure that Jeanette will be more than willing to help you, there is no need to worry" she got up from her chair and slowly sat next to Alvin, putting her arm around his neck. The very moment Alvin heard Brittany's words he smiled in big relieve. He was really scared that she might want to take her chance and start teasing him and calling him names, after all that's the kind of thing he would do to her. He was more than happy that she turned out to be much better than he was, but as soon as he thought about it, he realized how bad he was for her for all those years. "Thanks, Brittany, I really appreciate all your help" he finally managed to pull up a word after few seconds. "And listen I just want to apologies about all those times I was...well you know..." he started to stutter a little and his head once again started to fall, but before it could fall all the way down Brittany managed to take hold of it and moved him even closer to her. He was now resting calmly with his head on her breast. "Don't worry we both used to get carried away, there is no need to think about this now". She had to admit that she really liked this sudden change in Alvin's behavior. She really hoped that it would stay like that for as long as possible. She even admitted to herself that Alvin looked kind of cute and attractive with his new personality, he no longer was a kid that would argue about the smallest thing but was now mature enough to admit to a mistake. "Funny how fear can change a person" she thought to herself. Either way she hoped that this will stay with Alvin forever. "Once again thanks for everything Brittany, but I wouldn't want to be a trouble no more than necessary. I think I'll just head upstairs to Jeanette, if that's not a problem?". Very unwillingly Brittany forced herself to let go of Alvin and just nodded with her head. Eleanor was observing this the entire time and with each passing second her surprise grew bigger and bigger. She couldn't believe that Brittany was actually sad of letting Alvin go. After all she would always be the one that would throw him out of their house as soon as possible and just a few second ago they were both lying next to each other. It was a real shame that Alvin didn't ask Brittany for help. After all them two could be a really good couple, but if that is ever to happen then it is best for Brittany not to try to teach Alvin. After all, Eleanor wasn't even sure if Brittany would have enough patients to try to help him, especially not after that argument she had with her before Alvin appeared. It is best if them two would just hang out and leave the teaching part to Jeanette. "I think Jeanette is still taking a shower" she said to Alvin who now slowly started to walk towards the stairs "You can stay here with Brittany for a while and I can check on Jeanette". She jumped off from the armchair and headed upstairs when she was about to disappear around the corner, she couldn't help but take one last look at Alvin and Brittany. They were now sitting next to each other, not as close as before, but from what it looked like they were both pretty intimidated of each other, they really looked so cute. 

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