The colours in his hair were mixed together, his eyes were dark with bags due to his crying and lack of sleep. His shoulders no longer contained the marks of his lover. They no longer contained the memories that they shared together alone. Looking at himself made him feel as though everything he once had was just a dream. Everything he had with Izuku was fake. Like it was never real - never truly there to begin with. 

He turned his head away as he felt his negative emotions take over his again. He forced the thoughts to the back of his mind. His eyebrows furrowed in determination. He was going to get his lover back. He knew it was real. It was always real. He should never doubt it. He was going to get his Izu back. 


Todoroki stood outside headquarters, now fully dressed in clean uniform, his hair straightened and his face holding an emotionless expression.

 He walked through the doors to be greeted by Iida and Jirou who were currently signing in. Iida was first to notice the temporary number one hero. 

"Ah Todoroki. How are you feeling today?" He asked, nervousness laced in his voice. 

"I could be better..." Todoroki sighed, picking up a pen to sign in himself. 

"Don't worry Todo. We'll get Midoriya back. I know we will. You're one of the strongest heroes out there." Jirou reassured. She got a grunt in response as Todoroki walked passed her, heading towards the elevator to take him to the third floor where the meeting would be held. 

Jirou and Iida looked at each other, a look of concern in their eyes, before they too turned their attention to the elevator and walked in along with Todoroki. An awkward silence filled the area, until the three heroes reached the elected room. 

"See you later." Todoroki's addressed in his normal monotone voice. He made his way to the stage, unknowingly walking past Bakugo and Kirishima along the way. 

Bakugo tried to talk to the male but was given the cold shoulder as he stormed past him. Katsuki looked down, noticing the different bandages that the heterochromatic hero had on his wrists. 

"Do not tell me he did it again...." He grumbled to himself, his angry face softening a little as his concern for Todoroki began to grow. 

"You okay Kat?" Kirishima questioned, noticing the expression his boyfriend had. 

"No not really. I think Todoroki has done it again." He responded, pointing to his wrists secretly in order to give Kiri and idea of what he was talking about. 

"Oh no. This must really be getting to him..." Eijirou stated, worry now laced in his voice. 

"We need to get that damn Deku back before he does something he can never come back from..." Bakugo said, his determination returning. Kirishima nodded in return before walking off towards the stage.  

Iida and Jirou arrived at Bakugo's side just as Todoroki walked up on stage, tapping the microphone in front of him - the feedback gaining every hero's attention. 

"Now as you can see, Deku isn't in the room," He began, his monotonous tone never faltering. "That is because we have reason to believe that he was taken during yesterday's fight against the wild wolf. This meeting is to discuss the plan to get him back. Red Riot will now continue from here with his explanation of the plan and the reasoning behind it." Shoto stepped back from the mic, as the red-haired male stepped out onto the stage. 

"Thank you Shoto. Now the plan that I believe will work best, is an ambush mission. We have reason to believe that the head of the attack is non other than the former pro hero Uravity, more commonly known as Ochako Uraraka," Red Riot began, as audible gasps were heard in the crowd. 

"Now the reason behind this is because, 3 years ago, it was announced to the public that the relationship between Uravity and Deku had ended. The day following that announcement, Uravity went off the radar. No one heard from her, and all contact was lost to her. We believe that she may have resurfaced as a villain recently, in order to seek revenge. While we don't know the reason behind this revenge, it is the most logical conclusion we could come up with." Kirishima paused to let those words sink in. He had no choice but to lie about the reason behind the revenge, as he knew full well that Shoto wasn't ready for the public to know about his and Midoriya's relationship.

"Considering that the most logical place for her to take him would be her old home, that is where our ambush will take place. Those that will be taking part in this mission will be TnT, myself, Shoto and Earphone Jack. Another group of heroes will be on standby in case of an emergency. That will include, Ingenium, Chargebolt, Froppy and Pinky. These quirks will prove useful in an ambush mission." 

Those that were mentioned stepped to the front, all prepared to face anything. 

"Now Earphone Jack will use her quirk to determine the exact location of Uravity and Deku in the house, whilst TnT and I will stay outside as a precaution in case the wolf returns. Shoto will then, as the temporary number one hero, capture Uravity and rescue Deku. Those on the back up team will most likely be needed to fight off the wolf along with TnT and I. If there are any further questions...." Kirishima paused, waiting for hands to be raised and questions to be asked. He continued once realising that no one had questions. "Shoto?" 

He stepped aside and the heterochromatic hero stepped up. "That will be all. I appreciate your time and attention. Those that were mentioned, please stay behind." Todoroki's dismissed the group of heroes. 

He walked off stage along with Kirishima and both approached those that remained. "Thank you for staying. Now, I would like to make it clear that this will be a rather dangerous task." Todoroki started. "Since Uravity has been off the radar for three years, we are unable to know what she is capable of, due to her now becoming a villain. Understand that you will all be putting your lives at risk, whether you're in the ambush group or back up group."

"We understand. We are willing to risk our lives in order bring back our number one hero." Iida proudly confirmed, the other heroes nodding in approval. 

"Good. Now go and prepare. We leave at sundown." Todoroki informed, before walking off towards the elevator. 

Once stepping in, he went to the second floor, heading towards Izuku's office.

He opened the glass door, and stepped inside, inhaling the familiar scent of his lover. He paused at he desk and sat in the black, leather chair. 

Todoroki looked at the desk in front of him, the only thing catching his attention being the small photo frame that held a picture of himself and Izuku high-fiving. He remebered that fight. It was just after their fight with the League of Villains. 

He reached his hand out towards the frame, his fingers brushing over the green-haired male. 

Don't worry Izu. Just hang on a little longer. I'll come and be your hero. You've always been one for me. Now it's my turn.

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