Chapter 27

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*Strong language use*
*Torture and blood trigger*

Uravity was still straddled on the now half naked number one pro hero. His chest was covered with slashes, his wrists sore and ready to crack, his legs immobile and numb. He could hardly breathe. 

"My, my. You're panting. Oh you poor soul. I'll take care of you, I'll make you feel better." The brunette above Deku whispered, her voice sickeningly sweet before she slashed at the male once again. 

Deku's breathing became heavier with every slash created. His vision became hazy as he became dizzy from the slight blood loss. He was oblivious to the pouting his former friend was doing, unaware of her movement reaching out to the side to grab something. He was just about ready to pass out until he felt a sharp stinging on the right side of his chest. 

His eyes opened wide, taking in the sight above him. Uravity was pushing down on the needle that was stabbed into his chest, releasing a clear yellow/green liquid into him. 

He stared in anger at the bitch above him, pure hated in his eyes. 

"What the fuck was that?" He spat out his first words since waking up. 

"Oh so you can talk? I was beginning to think you had become mute." Uravity uttered sarcastically. 

"Just answer the fucking question!" Midoriya's patience was rapidly growing thin. 

"Fine. It was a serum to increase your energy. I don't want you falling unconscious during your punishment." The brunette answered, increasing the squirming hero's dread even further. 

"Now, moving forward." Uravity continued, that insane grin once again plastering her face. 

Deku's eyes grew wide, as the female threw the bloody and blunt knife onto the floor - reaching over to the side of the bed, picking up a whip. Her grin never left her face as her eyes began to glisten. 

"I would normally do this on your back, but because I know you-" She started, an evil look crossing her features. "I won't bother. Your amazingly broad chest will do just fine." She licked her lips in anticipation. All she ever wanted to hear was begging and screams. Who better than to hear that from other than her 'partner'? 

She slide off Deku's broad frame, standing at the edge of the bed, preparing herself for her attack. Deku's eyes began to waver with fear as the brunette lifted the white whip above her head. His eyes squeezed shut before he heard the whip being lashed against his skin. He bit his lip hard causing his tongue to taste metal. He had to hold in his screams. He had to show he wasn't afraid. He had to show she wasn't getting to him. 

The whip continued to attack every area on his chest, causing it to very quickly turn purple and making it even harder to breath from the pain. 

Uravity soon huffed in annoyance. "Seriously?!" No screams? Aww. But I love to hear you scream. It's like music to me." Her high pitched voice sounding too innocent for the words coming out of her mouth.    

"Looks like we'll have to try harder." Deku slowly opened his eyes, his fear of what more torture was to come growing. His mind drifted back to Shoto once again. 

Please Shoto. I can't take this any longer. Please help me. She's not the Ochako I remember. Please, Save me Sho.

Tears soon began to prick his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He refused to make himself look weak. He had to stay strong for not only Todo but also himself. He just had to. 

His thoughts were soon interrupted by that annoyingly high-pitched voice. 

"Ah there you are!" She exclaimed. Deku looked to the side, wincing at the ache in his neck, to see what she'd found. When she turned around, what he saw made him gulp. Pink fabric, a white ring and a pink vibrator where what the bitch held in her hands. He gagged, trying not to vomit right there and then. 

"This should teach you a lesson." Uravity's sadistic smile never left her lips. She placed vibrator and ring on the end of the bed, before walking up to the hero's face, clutching the fabric. 

"Close your eyes Deku." She cooed, her voice still laced with malice. 

Through fear of more unbearable torture, the greenette did as told. He soon felt the fabric covering his face, leaving only his mouth free in order for him to breathe. 

Uravity giggled to herself, now moving back to the end of the bed, picking up the bloody knife off the floor. She crawled onto the bed once again, positioning herself between the pro hero's open legs. 

Without warning she slashed at the fabric covering the male's lower regions, careful not to hit the very important thing. The hero blushed hard underneath the blindfold as he felt cold air hitting his member as his painful erection slapped him in the stomach. 

Uravity licked her lips once again, her eyes showing nothing but greed and want. She removed every piece of fabric around the area, ensuring that all of it was accessible. She then reached behind her and grabbed the ring, forcing it onto the large member in front of her - earning a sharp gasp from the male in the process. 

She giggled once again, picking up the vibrator and turned it on using the remote to a low setting before forcefully shoving it inside the male, his gasps of pain, ringing in her ears. 

Uravity wiggled it enough until she was certain that it was wedged tight in. She then climbed off the bed, holding the remote in her hand. 

"Since you're gay now, I'm going to let you get some. But trust me, it'll be worse than what you might think." Uravity's voice was laced with venom.
"You're going to pay for betraying me. I'll make you beg and scream. And I will show you now mercy!" She yelled before walking off and out the door, staying on the chair behind it so she can hear everything that's said. 

She pushed the button, making the vibrator pick up its speed. She could hear Deku's failing attempts to hold in his moans. He voice was cracking as he began to let his tears fall, now knowing the bitch was out of the room. 

"Please Shoto. Please I need you. I can't survive this much longer..." He pleaded, which only earned him more torture as the vibrator inside him picked up speed once again. 

His tears fell faster, the wounds on his chest, stinging and aching. His strangled sobs crossed with shameful moans, making his tears worse. 

The vibrator picked up even more speed, causing it to catch his sensitive spot - resulting in a sharp groan of shameful pleasure. 

He didn't want this. He began to choke silently on his tears. He'd had enough. It felt like he'd been there for hours - maybe days - but it had only been half an hour. He couldn't take it. He began to cry out, his words full of fear and agony. 

"Please. Make it stop. I can't take this. Please, I don't care what else you do, but please make it stop. Please! Please make it stop!" His weak whimpers soon became strangled cries. 

It continued for a couple more minutes until his voice no longer allowed him to speak, the vibrator turning off inside him, the door to the room, being pushed open. 

That voice came back. He wished he could keep himself together, but no matter how hard he's tried, he couldn't stay strong. This was torture beyond anything he'd ever felt. 

"Now that's what I like to hear. I guess it's time for the final part of today." Uravity smirked as she placed the remote down, before crawling on the bed again to remove the blindfold. 

Once it came off, she threw the fabric on the floor, her malicious eyes never leaving Deku's water-glazed ones.

"You're going to enjoy this." 

Deku gulped, his anxiety growing close to the point of an attack. 

How long did he have left? How long until he could return to the life he had before? How long until he could see his Shoto again?

Save Me, PleaseМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя