Chapter 9

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A/N *Mild smut reference in this chapter*

Todoroki's face began to blush slightly as he tensed a little at the question.

"Um.... I'm fine thank you for asking...." He said whilst turning his gaze towards the floor. However, in doing so, he noticed that his bandages were completely on show - no wonder Midoriya's face had concern printed all over it.

"Excuse me a moment. You can put your things beside the couch." With that, he stumbled to his room, breathing heavily, mouth agape, heart racing.

You've gone and done it now.

He can't deal with what you're going through.

You're such an idiot.

His breathing became heavier by the second and his body started to tremble. His knees gave way and he collapsed to the floor, his hands grasping his temples.

Midoriya meanwhile, was setting his stuff up on the floor beside the couch and was about to sit down when he heard a thud from upstairs. He walked slowly towards the stairs, his hands shaking slightly.

"T... Todoroki? Are.... Are you okay?" The green haired boy's voice stuttered out his words. As he walked slowly and carefully up the stairs, he soon began to hear the deep, dangerous breathing of his colleague. At this, he ditched his slow pace and sped up the remainder of the stairs and charged around until he burst into Todoroki's room; only to find him collapsed on the ground with his hands clawing his head.

He rushed to Todoroki's side and without a moment's hesitation, swept him up into a long hug, gently shushing him, rubbing his back and quietly whispering sweet nothings into his ear.

Todoroki clung to Midoriya for his life - his tears beginning to roll down onto his shoulder, his entire body shuddering from sobs. It broke Midoriya's heart to see the one he loved in such a vulnerable state. He'd always admired him, from his calm persona during battle, his mesmerising, mis-matched eyes and his thin, muscular body. Everything about him seemed so perfect - almost too perfect to be real. Seeing him in this state, made the number one hero beg to the gods that he would be okay.

The heterochromatic boy's sobs and shuddering calmed down a little after about five minutes. He pulled away from Midoriya, his face burning red from his tears and his embarrassment at having to turn to his crush for comfort. While he wasn't complaining, it still felt strange.

The two boys clung onto each other's arms, staring intently into each other's eyes. However, the moment was short lived when Midoriya broke the gaze and contact by looking away with a huge blush on his face.

"Are... Are you gonna be okay now.... Todo-kun?" He stuttered, clearly embarrassed.

"I... I hope," the other boy replied.

"Um... How about we go for a drink? We... We don't have shifts tomorrow and uh.... Well... I think it'll help relax you a little.... You... Uh..... Seem a little uptight...." The green haired hero offered, his gaze shifting slightly to look at Todoroki's face .

"Uh... I.. I suppose..." The number two pro hero said, shifting his gaze to the floor and moving his hand to scratch the back of his neck.

"O.. Okay." with that both boys stood and Midoriya walked to the downstairs bathroom with his casual clothing, that he'd picked up on the way, in his hand.

Soon enough both heroes were walking towards the nearest bar, both a little flustered to be so near to each other. Upon walking into the bar, they were greeted with a loud cheer from the civilians and other pro heroes in the bar.

They were soon bombarded with a mixture of drunk and sober civilians asking for autographs and pictures. Midoriya's signature smile shone in every photo taken of him and his written signature was scribbled on paper, t-shirts and even skin. Todoroki on the other hand signed paper and t-shirts with a ghost of a smile on his face. Of course, the civilians didn't mind. They expected it from the number two hero.

It took roughly ten minutes for the commotion to calm down before Todoroki and Midoriya walked up to the counter to order. Todoroki went for a Carlsberg whilst Midoriya went for Koppaburg cider.

After a few drinks (most of which were on the house), Todoroki started to become a little more stress-free and was more talkative. He smiled and laughed which made Midoriya melt on the inside.

Drink after drink and Todoroki was starting to become more sociable. He joined Midoriya in karaoke, had several pictures taken with his fans and even made the odd joke here and there. It soon came to a point where he was too drunk to realise what he was doing. Whilst no-one was looking, he dragged a drunken Midoriya towards the male bathroom.

"What are you doing Todo?" A very drunken Midoriya slurred.

"Shhh. Be silent my pet. I'm going to make you feel amazing." An equally drunken Todoroki replied. He led the smaller boy towards a cubicle and locked the door behind them.

"T.. Todo-" the smaller boy tried to question, but was cut off by a rather sexy looking male slamming his wrists on the wall of the cubicle. He then proceeded to kiss the boy's neck, eventually finding his sweet spot, forcing a pleasurable moan to escape from his mouth.

"Sh... Shoto. N...not here...." The innocent boy pleaded.

"I see my pet. Don't you worry." With that Todoroki stopped peppering Midoriya's neck in kisses and led him out of the bathroom.

Still holding his hand, Todoroki dragged Midoriya down the streets towards his house. He had waited so long to do this. He picked up the slightly stumbling boy and ran as fast as he could towards his house. He wanted to do so much with this boy. He wanted to make Midoriya feel alive. A smirk began to form on his face as he thought about how he could tease the poor, innocent boy he held in his hands.

It wasn't long before he reached his house and he put Midoriya on his feet so he could unlock the door. As he walked in, he dragged Midoriya in behind him and almost instantly began kissing him on his soft, luscious lips. Midoriya's moans rang out as he kissed Todoroki and kicked the door closed behind him and began to force his playmate towards the bedroom.

However what neither of them had noticed was a particular girl with violet hair and freckles, following them in the dark, managing to snap a brief photo of the two heroes making out before the door was slammed shut.

"Well this is going to make some interesting news," the girl snickered, staring at the photo before rushing off to her office to start writing...

Save Me, Pleaseजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें