Chapter 1

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Dragonfly stared Todoroki and Midoriya down, a look of pure malice and terror apparent in her glistening purple eyes. Todoroki and Midoriya both took up a fighting stance - Todoroki with flames and ice spilling out of his hands; Midoriya with green lightening flashing this way and that around his body.

"Do you two seriously think you have any chance at defeating me? ME?!" Dragonfly roared. "I'm one of the strongest villains you could ever face. Even you Deku. Japan's number 1 pro hero won't even scratch the surface of victory against me. "

"I assure you Ms. Dragonfly, while your quirk can rival IcyHot's, I know your weakness." Midoriya spat back before turning to his fighting partner.

"Todoroki don't use your flames. She'd be able to manipulate them. My plan is to lead her away from any source of water. This way her quirk will be rendered useless because the elements must be in sight for her to manipulate them. "

The thought of not using his flames during battle made Todoroki sick as he remembered his fight with Bakugou 7 years ago at his first UA sports festival. He had always rejected his flames as they always reminded him of his father and always scared him. He's was extremely hesitant to use them against Katsuki - therefore making him forfeit first place. Thankfully Midoriya allowed him to realise he could make it his own. It tormented the number 2 pro hero. He's always hoped he wouldn't have to go back to this style of fighting, but considering his and the green haired hero's situation, he didn't seem to have a choice. He stood in a low fighting stance - legs apart for balance and his left arm stinging slightly from the injury he received after over-using his fire during the start of the battle - before Midoriya showed up.

Ice started spiking out of his fingertips whilst Midoriya leapt up into the air to the same height the flying villainess was - attempting to land a punch on her face to daze her.

Todoroki stood in his fighting stance, watching the scenario and awaiting the number 1 hero's signal.

"25%, Detroit Smash!" Midoriya yelled, landing a punch square in the villain's face before she had the chance to react.

"Now Todoroki!" Midoriya screamed. In reponse, Todoroki sent a giant ice wall, speeding towards Dragonfly. However the blonde haired vixan was able to dodge just in time, flapping her black, feathered wings to get above the ice blast.

"Did you really think one simple ice attack would be enough to stop me?!" Dragonfly taunted from the air, staring down at the heterochromatic hero with pure rage and insanity in her now darkening eyes.

However Midoriya had this planned and was above her in a split second - thanks to One for All - and punched her in the head with a 35% California Smash, (A/N I have no clue if that's a thing but just role with it) knocking the villain out of the sky. She was spiralling towards Todoroki at a rather alarming speed.

Just as she was about to smash into him however, the number two pro hero side stepped and placed his right hand onto Dragonfly's back, encasing her in a thin but strong sheet of ice - creating a makeshift prison for her until the police showed up to take her away.

As the top two pro heroes stood guarding the now unconscious villain, news reporters came flooding around the victors, bombarding them with questions and blinding them with camera flashes.

Neither of them seemed phased however - it was part of their job after all. The news reporters continued to question them and Todoroki was starting to get bored. However one question caught him by surprise. A news reporter with violet hair and freckles pointed a microphone to his lips as she asked, "This is the 7th fight in the past two weeks in which  you and Deku have fought together, is there something going on between you two? Are you the first gay hero couple?"

The heterochromatic hero froze at this but maintained his stoic expression so as not to create false suspicions in the news reporters. Before answering he glanced at Midoriya to check he hadn't heard the question.

He was surrounded by news reporters - each one wanting information on the battle that had just taken place.

There were so many reporters around him, it almost made the number 2 hero jealous.
"Unfortunately you will not receive an answer for that question as I am not willing to share such information." He finally answered, his stoic expression still plastered on his face, whilst deep down another part of him shattered.

Thankfully the police had arrived at this point, so he walked towards Taguchi - the head of the police force - to explain the situation and to give information about Dragonfly.

However the question still rattled around his head - genuinely making him frown, making him wonder whether anything more could build between the two heroes.

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