Fourteen Cups

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Hello, my lovelies, college has started, so I'm going to be slow with my updates; I would like to apologize for that!
But I will still write until I see the end of the book!
Please enjoy!
I'll probably have a Changlix chapter for Fifteen Cups.


The night was brighter than any other night because of the boys who are radiating love but are too scared and worried to confess.

Chan and Jeongin walked out of the coffee shop and onto the street where Jeongin's shared apartment was located at. It was a lie if Jeongin said he didn't enjoy having someone walking home with him, and that someone is his crush. Chan, on the other hand, was mentally telling himself to not scare the younger anymore than he already did and to not embarrass himself in front of Jeongin.

To Chan surprise, the younger one opened his mouth first.

"Chan-hyung, you did not need to walk me home," Jeongin mumbled under his cold breath.

Chan saw that the younger one was shivering in the cold weather.

"No, I should, it's late outside," Chan said as he took off his jacket and placed it on Jeongin.

Jeongin quickly tried to give back Chan's jacket. Chan pushed Jeongin's hands back, telling him he should wear it.

"You will be cold though," Jeongin said.

"I'll be fine, you need it more than I do,"

Admitting his defeat, Jeongin cuddled into Chan's jacket and took a sniff of the jacket that smelled just like Chan.

"By the way, what do you work on in the coffee shop anyways; you are always there," Jeongin asked curiously.

"Oh, I work as a producer, you know, producing songs here and there and released them on soundcloud with my friends" Chan replied.

"Oh really! That's cool! So like 3RACHA right? Do you know 3RACHA; they are such an amazing group!" Jeongin began to jump up and down.

Chan was amazed by the sight of a happy Jeongin, and his crush for Jeongin grew stronger once he heard that he was a fan of 3RACHA. Since he was 3RACHA, Chan couldn't deny how cute his little fan was.

"Chan-hyung, you should let me listen to your songs! What's your soundcloud name?" Jeongin pulled out his phone and opened up the soundcloud app.

Chan didn't want to make things more awkward than it was already, so he kept his soundcloud a secret. He didn't want Jeongin to know that he was CB97. He is barely making progress with Jeongin, so he didn't ruin the little process he had established tonight.

"Uuuhhh, I'll give it to you when we get closer," Chan tried to make the best excuse which sucked.

Jeongin jumped in front of Chan closing in the distance in front of them, almost touching noses. Chan was about to go insane; his heart was beating out of control and his face was turning extremely red. He didn't know how much he like Jeongin until then when he just want to peck his pouty lips.

Before anything he wanted to happen, Jeongin pulled away.

"Now, since we are closer, will you give it to me now please!!!" Jeongin begged, not knowing his impact on Chan.

Chan was flabbergasted though he couldn't stop smiling from how cute Jeongin was trying to acquire his soundcloud name.

"No, Jeongin, that's not what I meant," Chan chuckled at Jeongin's attempt.

"I know, but it was worth a try! Why won't you give it to me though?! You should give it to me since I'm the one that serves you your coffee that pushes you through your songwriting." Jeongin said as he skipped down the street, almost reaching his destination.

"One day, Jeongin!" Chan yelled while smiling.

"You are a MEANIE!" Jeongin faked cried.

They reached Jeongin's apartment. Chan didn't want to say goodbye and neither did Jeongin, so Jeongin did something he wouldn't think he will do in a million years.

"Uumm, do you want to come up and sit for a while? I can make you coffee as a thank you for walking me home and for your jacket," Jeongin said, taking off the jacket.

Chan will say yes to anything that allows him to stay with Jeongin longer. Chan nodded and Jeongin entered the building. Jeongin opened the door of his apartment expecting Minho to be there, but he wasn't.

Chan walked into Jeongin's apartment that was completely different from his. Jeongin's apartment was warm and cozy and smelled like coffee and vanilla. Jeongin told Chan he could sit on the couch, and he will make coffee for him before he went home. Chan; however, carefully walked around the living room, making his way around the cats, looking at the pictures on the walls. He smiled to himself, looking at a butt naked baby Jeongin.

Jeongin quickly ran to where Chan was trying to block his view but was unsuccessful.

"You weren't supposed to see that!" Jeongin yelled with a cup of coffee in his hands.

"It's okay, Innie," Chan pinched the younger's cheeks. Jeongin blushed at the action and blushed harder at the new nickname from Chan.

Chan grabbed the coffee from Jeongin's hands.

"Thank you....Innie!"

Chan sat on the couch, drinking the perfectly brewed coffee. Jeongin walked back to the kitchen to bring a dessert for Chan. Jeongin saw the post-it on the fridge that was from Minho telling Jeongin that he wouldn't be home tonight. He bought the dessert to Chan and told him to eat it with his coffee.

"Hyung, I'm going to take a shower, so enjoy your coffee! Make yourself at home!"

Chan replied with a nod. Chan heard the shower turned on, and he made himself comfortable on Jeongin's couch. The living room was filled with the smell of lavender and vanilla coming from the bathroom.

Chan finally understood the impact of what Jeongin had on him when he placed his empty cup on the coffee table and lied down on the couch where he drifted into sleep. Chan has never gone to sleep that easily and quickly. He knew it would be the best sleep he will have since a while.


I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!
Thank you for reading!
Time for me to go back to my biol notes!

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