One Cup

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I apologize for starting on another story before finishing my other one.
I really wanted to begin this one,
so please enjoy!


Jeongin was leaning on his hand propped at the jawline, eyes wandering looking out towards the spacious windows that ran across the front wall which allowed pedestrians to have clear viewing of the interior of the coffee shop while the customers and employees inside had a clear viewing of the streets.

Tonight, it was slower than usual because it was raining heavily. The thunders were loud, and the lightning was bright. Outside, Jeongin saw two types of people, some were running to escape the rain, and some were walking slowly with their umbrella.

These kinds of nights only either college students come for a cup of coffee or that one guy who comes with his laptop.
These kinds of nights are also when the coffee shop only needs two employees-Jeongin and one other employee, Felix, while working with the owner, Woojin.

ding dong

The bell on the door rang meaning a customer has walked in. Jeongin heard the bell rang plus the wind and rain when the customer opened the door which snapped him back to reality leaving his dreaming behind.

He looked over to the entrance to find a black-hooded guy walking in with his head down taking off his hood and brushing off the water on his hoodie which created small scattered puddles on the coffee shop floor.

The guy walked to the counter where Jeongin stood behind.

"Welcome to "A Cup of Jin"! How are you today?" Jeongin said with an elated voice, how did one have so much energy during three in the morning on a rainy night, one might wonder. Which is exactly what the guy thought.

"I'm okay, I guess." The guy said looking down at his drenched self.

Jeongin smiled like a professional employee would though he was smiling because of him, his regular customer that he establish a liking towards.

"Would you like your regular?"

"Yeah, that will be fine, thanks."

"One large dark roast with two shots of espresso, right?" Jeongin said, slightly tilting his head to the side.

The guy mumbled a yeah and nodded while pulling out the same amount of bills every time. He placed the bills onto the table pushing it towards Jeongin. Jeongin handed back the change, and the guy placed it in the tip jar like always. It was a routine for both boys.

The guy walked to his regular table by the window, trying not to cause too many puddles on the floor. Once he reached his destination, he pulled out his laptop, headphones, and notebook.

Jeongin brought his coffee to the table since he was already working which Jeongin didn't want to disturb him. Jeongin lightly placed the coffee on a coaster and placed it in front of him just like any other day; however, tonight, there was a change in routine.

Jeongin tapped on his shoulder. He took one ear out and looked at Jeongin with a confused face.

"Um Chan, here, you will catch a cold," Jeongin said shyly while handing him a towel.

Chan couldn't comprehend the situation that was happening in front of him because Jeongin has never spoken to him more than greeting him and stating his order, so he was surprised. After a long 30 seconds, he softly took the towel that was handed to him and said thank you which Jeongin replied with a smile and went back behind the counter. The boy was mesmerized by him but never could make a conversation other than a customer-employee conversation.

Chan was the only customer sitting in the coffee shop since it was still pouring heavily outside.

Felix was reading on the couch by the bookshelf, Woojin was trying to perfect a new cake recipe, and Jeongin was sneaking small glances at Chan.

Jeongin didn't realize that Felix was beside him since he was too focused on a beautiful sight.

"You like him, don't you?" Felix whispered, giving Jeongin a slight nudge on the arm.

"N-n-no," Jeongin stuttered with a tint of red creeping up his cheeks.

Felix wiggled his eyebrows and let out a sarcastic okay.

"He probably doesn't even know my name, so go back to your couch and read your book," Jeongin sighed while shooing Felix away.


Thank you for reading!
I hope the story isn't too bad.
This story will probably have short chapters.

coffee-holic | jeongchan/chanjeong fanfictionTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang