Nine Cups

833 49 13

I've already warned you lovelies that your writer has officially became bonkers with this story.
I should be making a list of things to buy for my dorm that I'm moving into in less than three weeks.
College is overwhelming even before classes starts, so your author is escaping her responsibilities and updating instead.


After the incident that happened in the kitchen, it was way too late for Minho and Hyunjin to be up because they need to go to the dance studio, Minho's, at 12 for classes they need to teach.

Hyunjin begged for Minho to allow him to sleep in the same room as Jeongin, but Minho quickly and sternly turn that plead away. Hyunjin chose (more like Minho made him) to sleep on the couch since it turned into a bed when you pulled it out.

Jeongin took a shower and carefully tip-toed back into his room, trying to not wake up the older in the living room sleeping. He reached his room without any disturbance and slowly closed the door.

Jeongin looked at the clock- 6AM, he needed to sleep also. He scrolled on his phone for a couple minutes and replied to Felix's messages, complaining on how bored he was without Jeongin.

Jeongin stared at a picture that he took of Chan when Chan was staring out of the window one day. He was so scared that Chan would have found out and thought him as a weirdo, so from that day on, no more taking pictures of him. Felix also teased him about it. He drifted off to sleep with his phone in his hand.

After a few dreams from both boys, the sun was slowing creeping up the horizon and shined brightly into the apartments of both boys. Jeongin allowed the sun shine on his face which left his face feeling warm while Chan pulled the covers over his face trying to block out the sun.

Jeongin heard some ruckus outside of his room and woke up from the small sounds of clinks and clonks. He slipped on his bunny slippers and rubbed his eyes while making his way slowly to the sounds.

Minho and Hyunjin was getting ready to leave for work at 10:30. Minho was cooking breakfast for the boys which explained the clinks and clonks.

"Innie, did I wake you up? I tried to be quiet, but metal on metal isn't the quietest, I'm sorry," Minho apologized, looking at Jeongin who is still half asleep.

Hyunjin was enjoying and loving the sight in front of him. Jeongin was extremely cute when he woke up with his glasses on and rubbing his eyes. Hyunjin wished he woke up everyday seeing that beautiful sight.

Jeongin plopped onto the couch while Hyunjin's eyes followed him. Before he could go back to sleep, loud and hard knocks were heard on the front door. Jeongin jumped up from the noise, heart beating crazy fast. Hyunjin and Minho flinched from the noise. Minho picked up the frying pan and made his way to the door. He opened the door, tightly holding the frying pan up, ready to hit any unwanted visitors. Jeongin got up from the couch, now wide awake.

"INNIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!" The boy at the front yelled as he ran past Minho and straight into the house. Minho dropped the pan to the side of his leg after seeing who it was.

"HYUNG INTRUDER, SMACK HIM! HE'S COMING INTO THE HOUSE!" Hyunjin yelled, moving away from the running boy.

"Boy, I'm not smacking him, he is yelling innie, and we know him, so calm down." Minho said, making his way back to the kitchen fixing up one more plate for the running boy that caused the whole floor to wake up.

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