Chapter Twenty-Nine

Start from the beginning

I take another deep breath. The thousandth from the feel of it. Turning around, I'm surprised to find Carla this time, but I hide it. "Hi Carla. What's up? I'm kind of busy."

She doesn't seem to care. Her arms are crossed and the look she gives me would scare a much weaker person.

"I'm confused, Teagan," she says and sits across from me, leaning over and I have no choice but to stare back. "Why did you want Matea and Kali to get together?"

This? Again? "They broke up Carla. Why are you- "

"I'm trying to understand about what was on Finn's Instagram," she interrupts. She's obviously not here to listen to a word I say. Not like I had a clue what I would say anyway. What does Finn and some girl have to do with Kali and Matea?

"You were so sure Kali would be fine in a new relationship. Then her and I talked and you were right. I gave that one to you. I'm not giving this to you. Dating her is only going to hurt her. You're not even gay. Leave her out of this."

There's a roaring in my ears. I never knew that was something that actually happened outside of a book, but it's happening. I can hear the blood rushing in my ears and I'm dizzy. I snatch my phone up. Carla doesn't even twitch. I feel her eyes on me.

A few clicks later and I'm at Finn's account. The picture of him and the other girl isn't the first one to pop up, but a screenshot of Kali and I from last year, arms around each other, smiling at the camera. I read the description.

finn_ notafish: I wish Teagan the best Kali. Seriously have fun together. Don't let me stand in the way.

I feel my chest tighten and click on the comments.

noboundaries: like lesbians? Did you change her finn?

finn_notafish: not sure man. I'll find someone else

catfishcarla: wait...what? They're not together.

finn_notafish: that's what you think

"Teagan!" Carla insists.

Instead of answering her, I bump past her and walk out of the library and into the hallway. I scroll through some more comments. None are from Kali and nothing more from Finn. Some people ask questions and others tell Finn he's wrong, but it's too late. Everyone has seen.

Pushing the front door open, I spot Finn at the furthest picnic table scrolling on his phone. I walk over, wrapping my arms around myself. I sit across from him on the damp bench. He doesn't look up.


He slides his phone in his pocket. "What happened?" he asks. His face is expressionless and my stomach drops.

I don't want to play dumb with him, but I'm confused. Not about what he means exactly, but how he knows anything in the first place. There's no way Kali would have told him. I don't think.

"What happened when? What do you think you know?"

Finn looks up and I'm startled to see his eyes, bright blue out here and pained. "Elliot saw you and Kali on Saturday night."

This startles me. For multiple reasons. "You knew we were hanging out on Saturday. And Elliot told- "

"Told me he was gay, yes," he pauses and then restates. "Well not exactly. Yesterday when I came home, I went to a little party just with the guys. Him and Imari came in holding hands. Like it was no big deal. Elliot brought him over to us. No one asked of course, but by the way they were looking at each other..."

"He's not gay. Bi or pan. I'm really not sure, but he likes girls too," I say quickly. Finn's eyes narrow.

"Is that what you are?"

I swallow and nod. "I meant to- "

He puts up a hand. "I've known. For a while." He looks sad now. "You've been looking at Kali differently. Something happened during Halloween, I think. I'm not sure when but when she holds your hand, hugs you, or even says your name, you blush. Like the way you looked at me. I thought about bringing it up to you but I didn't want it to be anything and if I said anything, it would be real."

"So why put it on Instagram?" I ask unable to keep the bite from my voice.

Finn's mouth hardens. "Because I talked to Elliot at that party alone. Imari was off making drinks and Elliot came over and said I should ask you about Kali. He said you two caught Imari and Elliot together. He said that was fine and made him realize it would be easier to have a normal relationship, but you and Kali were together. Together, together. He wanted to let me know so I wouldn't get hurt."

"He wouldn't know that. You know how we are together," I say.

"Yeah, I know," he spits. I recoil, but he goes on. "You two have been flirting for months and I thought it was normal. From what Elliot told me, it sounds like it isn't. To top that all off, Kali called me yesterday."

"She what?" My heart thrums in my chest.

I want to look away from him but I can't. "She asked me if I talked to. I told her I haven't. This was after the party. She said something happened and she wants to make sure that you're okay. I asked what happened. She wouldn't tell me but she said to take care of you and then hung up. So, what happened?"

At that question, I look down. I don't want to see anything in his face anymore. "We kissed," I mumble.

His inhale and exhale are measured. He repeats the pattern before asking, "and?"

"And what about you Finn? What about Casey?"

It's a jerk thing to do. Throwing this back in his face when I know I made a mistake. I keep my stare while my stomach goes sour. I wanted a smooth breakup. Even if he knew about Kali, I wanted to explain then end it. I didn't want to be throwing accusations. I know it isn't fair. I know that he's been pulling himself from this relationship if he knew about me and Kali for that long.

"Casey and I-" he starts.

"Never mind," I snap and then even my tone. "Never mind. Seriously. I don't want to know."

He doesn't say anything and stands up. "Were you going to tell me?" he asks.

"I was planning on breaking up with you this week." I watch him when I say this. He gives a nod and he squeezes his hand into a fist for a second, but relaxes.

Finn grabs his bag. "I'll talk to you later Teagan," he says and opens the door to go inside.

Before he walks through it, I say, "Will you delete your comment on Instagram? Please?"

He meets my eyes and I get a blank look again. "No Teagan. I won't." Finn walks through the door and I wait until he's out of eyesight before I bury my head in my arms.

I walk in the school after the crowds from the next class change has dissipated. I make sure the hallways are clear before going to my class.

For the next three periods, I follow a pattern. I go from class to class, going in right as the bell rings and leaving right as the next one goes. A few people try to catch my eye, but I ignore them. It isn't until my last class, study hall that I talk with anyone.

A note falls on the table I'm sitting at in the library again. I look up and Seth turns around and winks before disappearing around one of the stacks. I unfold it. Hang out after school? Circle yes or no.

My first reaction is to say no, but the note makes me smile. I realize moping around my house means that my mom will see and ask questions. I circle yes and leave the note at the desk for Seth to find. He walks by and scoops it up.

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