Chapter Twenty-Four

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The next day, I feel like I'm moving through fog. My mom gave me a hug when I left this morning and I wanted to cry in her arms. I spend the morning with Finn and when he asks if everything is okay, I tell him yes. Of course.

At lunch, Kali and Finn are sitting next to each other when I walk into the cafeteria. They're waving at me as I'm walking to them. My stomach clenches, but I walk over.

Finn leans forward and kisses me. I try to smile. "So, I was thinking we could go to the coffee shop today," I say to Kali.

"Yeah, sure. I love evening coffees."

"Or hot chocolate," Finn offers. "You could have an uncaffeinated drink in the evening."

"But why would I?" Kali responds and then turns to me. "So, what are you doing about school? Are you going to say yes?"

Kali's gripping my shoulder and I'm just realizing what I didn't do when I read that letter. Finn looks confused. "Wait? You got in? Why didn't you say something?"

Before I can respond, Kali says, "She was really weird about it last night. You know you don't have to go to school with me. You can go with Finn or anywhere else."

I can see that Kali is serious and her eyes are darting to Finn's. "Ow!" he yells jerking his foot from under the table. "What? Oh. Yeah Teagan. Don't feel pressured by either of us."

Finn buys Kali's excuse and doesn't look upset that I didn't tell him. Only worried. "No, it's not that. Sorry I'm being all weird. Thinking about next year makes me a little panicky."

"Yes, and I'm not even mad you didn't answer my call screaming I got in! I had to make sure you were alright first," Kali says and I feel a little bad.

"Sorry," I say.

Kali puts her arm around me. "It's fine we have all of next year for you to apologize profusely."

I try to smile and I squeeze Finn's hand under the table.

Kali is peering at me over the rim of her coffee mug. I sip my hot chocolate and avoid her eyes. I look around at the people in the café. A few obvious couples are near us and the others, I can't be positive of their relationship.

"What do you think the story is over there?"

Kali looks to where I'm pointing. Two women in their early twenties are sitting with drinks but unlike the other couples, they're not looking at each other. The woman with the short black hair has her eyes on her drink and the blonde one is examining her nails. Both have phones on the table, face down.

When Kali doesn't respond, I fill in some of the possible story. "Maybe they're sisters and they need to work on their relationship because.... Maybe because they haven't been near each other. They made a rule to not check phones so they can focus on their conversations but it's not happening."

"Or maybe they're best friends and one is keeping something from the other."

I tear my eyes away from the story. Kali doesn't look at the women but keeps her brown eyes on me.

"Um- "

"What's going on Teagan?" Her skin between her eyebrows are all crinkled with worry. "You acted all weird today. Even with Finn and you two are usually all over each other. Is the college thing bothering you that much? Is it because you feel like you have to choose someone because you don't. I know I told you I didn't want you ditching me for your boyfriend, but if you want to go to a different school, you can. I'm not going to be mad. We'll be an hour drive away from each other and there's a bus even. I'm not going to lose my best friend just because of some distance." I'm surprised to see she's being honest. She wouldn't hold it against me if I got into Finn's school and decided to go there instead.

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