Chapter Twenty-One

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Christmas is quiet, but in the best of ways. I'm greeted by a snapchat of Finn in a Santa hat grinning from ear to ear. The rest of the day is spent visiting my family and trading presents. I have a few days to myself in between Christmas and New Year's and I spend those days binge reading all of the books I wanted to read but haven't had a chance to. By New Year's Eve, I'm well rested and nervous.

"Have fun tonight and get to Kali's safely," my mom says and kisses me on the forehead.

My dad tightens his tie and grabs the bag of wine. I wink at him and say, "make sure you two drink responsibly."

They only laugh. "We'll be back tomorrow afternoon, okay? If something is wrong, call right away. If people are drinking and being irresponsible, don't get in the car with them. Call the police. Remember a DWI is easier to pay for than a funeral."

I wince. Parents always have to go for the life or death lessons. "Got it."

They hug me one last time. "See you next year, Teagan." My dad gives me a huge grin and closes the door on me rolling my eyes. When I hear their car leave, I sprint up the stairs.

Finn would be here in twenty minutes to pick me up and I didn't want my room to be a huge mess when we came back after the party. I make my bed and shove my stuffed animals in the closet which I firmly close behind me. Finn has already seen my childhood relics but it didn't mean I needed their plastic eyes staring at me.

My phone buzzes in my pocket. Finn. I give one last look at my room. I set a few candles out. It's cheesy, but that doesn't mean it's bad.

I grab my purse and coat then pull on my boots.

Snow is falling thickly. The type that bunches on your shoulders and stick to your eyelashes. I blink them away as I walk to Finn's glaring headlights, careful not to slip on the icy stones.

"Wow," I say when I'm safe in the warmth of his car.

Finn grimaces looking out the windshield. "I hope it stops," he says. "We have plans later."

I watch as his ears go red but his smile is big. I smile back and bite my lip. He puts the car in drive and grabs my hand across the console, squeezing it in his.

We pull into Spence's driveway after a slow, meticulous drive over. The roads aren't completely covered but they're slick. My body relaxes when we finally park. There are more people here than at the Halloween party and the field is taken over by snow. Finn has to squeeze his car in between two other vehicles and we get out, hurrying to make it inside and out of the weather.

When the door opens, music welcomes us. There's no game on today, but instead dancing has taken over the living room, beer pong in the kitchen, and I can hear people both upstairs and downstairs. I take a second to get adjusted to the crowd and noise.

Finn throws his arm over my shoulder and leads me into the living room. On our way in, Elliot finds us. "Hey guys. Do you want a bed or the floor?"

"What?" I ask.

Finn looks confused too at least. "Uh dude, I didn't think it was that type of party."

Elliot shakes his head. "You drove here right? The snow." He gestures to the falling flakes through the window.

"It's not that bad," Finn says. I stare at him. "Okay," he says taking in my look. "It is, but maybe it will stop."

"It's not," Elliot says. "We all got a weather alert. Snow into early morning. We're probably stuck here. Now I'm walking around trying to assign space to people so if you'd like a bed, I'll put a sign up."

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