U.M.G (P.8)

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I laid on the exam table at the hospital while the doctor got the ultrasound machine together. "So Doc, can you say what she's here for exactly?" My mom asked. Don't say shit ole man, I'm gonna die if you do, right here, on this damn table. "Well her doctor ordered a ultrasound and a pregnancy test to be done." Well it was nice living...

"A pregnancy test?" My dad asked, making me remember the devil was around. "Yes sir. Now Harmony, this gel will be a bit cold but I'm going to smooth it out and I'm not time it should warm up a bit, okay?" The doctor said. I nodded, and relaxed as he squeezed some gel on my stomach, "Bring your pants down a bit more..." he said. Once I did, he squeezed even more of that cold ass gel on my stomach.

He pressed the instrument against my stomach as if he was just barely digging into my skin. "What's that?" I asked as a small image popped up. "That is your baby. It's about the size of a lemon and if I just press this button here...There it is, you can hear its heartbeat." The doctor said. "That's a big head." I said looking at the alien like thing. I don't know why I was so interested. On the drive over, I expected to be freaking out and shit. But here we are, not even my parents are saying anything, I'm not gonna look at them though, I'm not trynna get jumped right now.

"So again, this is your little baby, you are 13 weeks pregnant, everything looks completely health. Congratulations, I'm going to write you a prescription for your prenatal vitamins however you don't have to just take the ones I give you. You can completely ignore it and get some over the counter. They all do the same thing." He said wiping the gel off of me. "Okay." I said sitting up. "I'll be right back." He stayed before walking out.

"Harmony? W-When did you start having sex?" My mom asked as her eyes filled with tears. I felt my heart sink to my stomach. "Mama- I" "Really?! She's 13 weeks pregnant so you can start there and count! You're asking stupid questions, you should be asking when is she gonna get an abortion?!" My dad yelled. "What?! I'm not getting an abortion!" I yelled at him. "So where is it gonna live? It definitely isn't coming in my house." He said shaking his head.

"Mama do you hear what this sperm donor is saying?" I asked her. She didn't respond, all she did was put her head in her hands. "I leave for a few years and you out here hoeing around-" "Wasn't nobody hoeing around! I know for sure I didn't get that gene from you." I said rolling my eyes. Before I knew it the side of my face began to sting. "Security!" I heard the nurse yell after seeing my dad slap the shit out of me.

"You're pressing all of the charges on him correct?" The officer asked looking back at my dad who was having a whole ass conniption in the back of the cop car. "Yes." I said with my arms folded. "You'll be receiving a letter in the mail with the court date for your restraining order. Stay safe here's my card, if you ever feel in danger, my personal number is on the back if I'm not on duty." Officer Brown said.

" Officer Brown said

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