One Chance(Michael B Jordan)

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(Y/N Pov)
I woke up seeing Michael grab his shorts to put on. I stretched and yawned, grabbing his attention. He smiled at me and sat in the spot beside me. "Good morning." He said before kissing me. I smiled, "Good morning." I said covering my mouth. "Why you covering ya mouth?" He asked. "Cause I have morning breath." I said making him laugh. "I got it too, I won't sie smelling some morning breath." He said getting up.

I reached over and grabbed my phone, turning it on. Immediately I seen a bunch of texts and missed calls pop up. I went to my contacts and called Mia. "Y/n?! Where are you we been trying to call you all night!" She yelled. "I'm sorry, my phone died so I left it to charge." I explained. "Micha got jumped last night, we're at the hospital with him." She told me. "Jumped when? By who?! What hospital are you at? I'm coming." I said as I put on my dress from the night before.

"I don't know, some homeless woman found him by his car and called the police. We at Piedmont hospital." She said. "I saw him get in his car. He was fine." I said. "You weren't with him?" She asked. "No I rode with Michael to the after party. I tried callibg and texting Micha but he never replied. I thought he was just upset with me." I explained grabbing my purse.

"Woah, where are you going?" Michael asked. "I gotta go, my friend is in the hospital. Someone jumped him last night." I said. "I'll take you." Michael said getting dressed. "Text me his room number. I'll be there in like 20 minutes." I told Mia. "Ok." Michael led me to his car and on the way we stopped at McDonald's to grab some breakfast.

Once we signed in as visitors, we got on the elevator to Michas floor. I saw his parents sitting outside his room, I jogged to his mom. She hugged me tightly as she cried, "Whats going on? Talk to me mama." I said rubbing her back. "They're running tests on his organs because they think he may be on his way to being brain dead." His brother told me.

I shook my head as tears flowed sown my face like a steady stream, "No, I saw him last night. He was fine. He's gonna be ok. He has to be." I said as Michael hugged me. "Excuse me, are you y/n?" A police officer asked. I nodded, "Can we ask you some questions, down at the station?" The man asked. I sighed and nodded, "Imma go back and shower, I'll call you when I get out ok?" Michael said. I nodded and followed the policemen.

I sat in a chair in Micha's room as we waited for them to bring him in. It's been three hours, and every minute is killing me slowly. I looked across the room at Justice, not my roommate Justice, Micha has a cousin with the same name. He was mean mugging me and had been since I came.

Soon the nurses wheeled Micha's bed in, whoever jumped him, really fucked him up. "Is he going to be ok?" I asked the doctor as soon as she walked in. "He's not brain dead, he is in a coma and we are keeping him on those machines to make sure his organs stay in the state that they're in. He has a bit of internal bleeding, he's pretty banged up. They broke each one of his fingers on his right hand. Then they fractured his ankle and completely shattered his rotater cup in his shoulder." She explained.

"What's a rotater cup?" Justice asked. "It's basically what allows you to move your shoulder. We did our best to put the pieces together but ended up just placing a prosthetic. He'll be able to use his arm but he wont be able to lift it too high, and he won't be able to hold or carry heavy things over a few pounds." She futher explained."But other than that, he's fine. Whoever did this, knew what they were doing, they did enough damage to hurt him, but not paralyze or kill him." She said before leaving out with the nurses.

"How the fuck you go somewhere with someone then leave them?" Justice said. "Hold up what? You talking like I knew he was gonna get hurt. Last time I saw him he was fine and following the car I was in. Don't start your bullshit Justice, cause now is not the time." I said. "I wouldn't be surprised if you knew who jumped him. Was probably some of Michael's friends. But you wouldn't know cause you're to busy laying on your back for a nigga you probably only knew for 2 or 3 hours." He said. "You just mad I didn't lay on my back for your dusty ass. You swear you know shit, when you don't. Keep trying me and I'll have you in the next room ugly bastard. While you so into my business why don't you go be a father to your 4 kids." I said.

He got up but Micha's dad held him back,"Yeah how about that. Go worry about your kids. Stop worrying about me cause you sure as hell ain't on my worry list." I said as Mia held me back. "Why don't you go get tested. Make sure you don't have any stds, fucking a grown ass man. Better hope your shit don't knot up." He yelled, "You better shut that shit up before I knot you up." I said pushing Mia and running to Justice. Before I could touch him, my roommate, Justice grabbed me. "Chill y/n! He ain't worth it. You know that." Mia said. "If y'all gone do all this shit, do it outside. Not in my son's room. If you gone be in here act like you got some damn sense." Micha's mom yelled.

I smacked my lips and wiggled free. I looked at Micha before walking out. "Where you going?" Mia yelled coming after me. I shook my head and waited for the elevator. As soon as the door opened, Mia pushed me in. "Calm down, sis. He don't know what the hell he talking about. He just assuming shit just like the rest of the world cause of those pictures on baller alert." She said. "What pictures?" I asked. "Some paparazzi took pictures of you and Michael going into his hotel, some blogs got them and posted them."

I rubbed my forehead, "It's only a matter of time before-" My phone began ringing signaling my cousin calling,"Hello?" "Girl you and Michael B Jordan are all over. Theshaderoom, baller alert, tmz, Hollywood life. Every where... What y'all do?" She asked. I smacked my lips, "Nothing, listen now ain't the time, I gotta go." I said before hanging up not caring for whatever her response would be.

Who do you think jumped Micha?
Why is Justice so upset?

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