My Son

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I take my son Into my arms. I look at his cute little red face. He's naturally tan like his dada, he has thin black hair with a cute little baby button nose. His lips are small and red. Holding him tightly in my arms I take is hand. He wraps his small hand around my finger, he opens his eyes to see midnight black eyes. I sense that he's a hybrid.

"Hello my son." I kiss his little forehead. "You look so much like you dada."

I smile down at him. My son! My little boy! I could tell he is going to be a handfull, but I don't care. He'll always be my little boy.

"Let's go see Dada." I whisper walking over to my mate. I see him on a medical bed. He's still pale. I sit on the chair beside him, holding my son.

"You're so much like you dada." Groaning has me turning my head towards Zenith.

"My baby." He groans out.

"Hey love, do you want to meet our baby  boy?" I whisper in his ear.

"Yes!" He shoots up in the bed looking at me. His eyes move down to our son. He sits in shock for a while, his eyes filling with tears.

"That's our baby?" He ask, his voice thick.

"Would you like to hold him?" I ask him smiling. He nods his head fast. I put our son in his outstretched arms. He holds him with so much love.

"What are we going to name him?" I ask with love in my voice.

"Zeroth." He answers simply.

"Zeroth?" I try the name. "I love it."

"I knew you would." He looks at me with love shining in his eyes.

"I missed you." Tears begin to fall from his eyes. I put my hands on his face, wipimg his tears with my thumbs.

"As I missed you. There wasn't a day I didn't miss you my love." I lean my forehead against his.

"I love you." He pecks my lips. I smile at him closing my eyes. "I love you more."

"Impossible baby!" I look down at our son. "Thank you for giving me him. I promise to always make sure there's always a smile on both your faces."

"I know my love." He leans his forehead against mine, closing his eyes.

A knock at the door, ruins our moment. The door opens to Zenith's mother. "I'm sorry, we just want to meet our little prince."

She comes in along with her husband and my parents. Zaya runs over to Zenith and kisses all over his face. Her sobs filling the room. "My baby!"

"Mom don't hurt Zeroth!" He holds our son protectively in his arms. Zaya looks down at our gorgeous son.

"My grandson!" She squeals quietly before taking him from Zenith. "He's so handsome!"

Kenith walks behind his wife, looking over her shoulder, down at my son. Love amd eonder in his eyes. "He looks so much like Zenith did when he was born."

I look over to my parents. Mother had tesrs in her eyes, as she looks at my son. Father looks indifferent. I don't csre though. Nothing could ruin this feeling inside me. I have my own family. I have two persons that will depend on me for the rest of our lives. And I couldn't of be more happy.

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