Meeting The Parents

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Dressed in black jeans and a gray and black button down, with my black vans. My hair is styled in a 'I just had sex' look. I look good.

I knock on the door. Seconds later it is opened my Zenith. He's wearing black jeans with a blue button down shirt. His hair is messy like he ran his hands through it multiple times.

"Hey baby." I kiss his lips. He grabs my hand leading me to an office, pulling me through. A man sits at a desk, he very muscular with icy blue eyes that look so much like Zenith's. His brown hair is peppered with gray. A woman stands behind him. Her black hair like Zenith's flows down her back, framing green eyes.

"Mom, Dad this is Xenon my mate." The woman runs over to me hugging me. I hug her back awkwardly. She pulls away standing in front of me.

"I finally get to meet you. Zenith over there wouldn't stop talking about you." She smiles kindly at me. A warm glow surrounds her. I smile at her.

"It's a pleasure ma'am." I say politely.

"Oh please nun of that ma'am business. It makes me feel old. Call me Zaya." she puts her hand on her hug.

The man comes and stands bedide her. "Hello Xenon." He holds hisbhamd out for me to shake.

"Hello sir." I shake his hand.

He pulls away. "Please call me Kenith we're family."

"Come on the rest of the pack wants to meet you." Zaya tells us leading us out the office. Zenith grabs my hand, I smile down at him. He only comes to my chin.

Zaya leads us down the stairs to the meeting room. Going up on the stage we stand beside Kenith and Zaya.

"Good evening packmates. Tonight we meet the mate of my son. Many of you have seen him at school. Zenith and Xenon please tell us about him."

We take a step forward. Zenith starts. "Hello, for those of you who do not know this is Xenon. Many of you have wondered why he smells funny." when he says that I look at him glaring. He sees me and smirks "Xenon is a king. He's king of the Antarctic. More specific, he's a merman. Any questions?"

Hands go up, Zenith points to one of them. "Why is your hair green?" a little girl ask.

Smiling at her I answer. "I'm a merman serpent."

"What's that?" she ask with confusion.

"Would you all like to see?" I ask everyone. They nod their heads excitedly.

I turn my head to Zenith. "Do you have a pool?"

He nods before leaning everyone including me to the pool in the back yard. The pool is huge, the water a clear blue showing the bottom.

I start taking off my clothes until I'm just in my boxers. I smile at them before jumoing into the pool. I feel my hair changing to my serpent scale hair, and my legs turn to my tail. Since my tail is too big for the pool, I curl it up in the deep end. I poke my head out of the water to see shock and awe faces.

"I still can't get over how gorgeous you are in your true form." Zenith tells me eith awe on his face. I smile at him.

"You'll have to show me your wolf form tonight." I say wanting to see what he looks like. He nods his head, before helping me out of the water. When I'm on the land, I ask for them to turn their heads. They do as I ask while I dry myself and put on my clothes.

Everyone turns around when Zenith tells them that they can. The little girl runs over to me grabbing my hand.

"You're really pretty." She sucks her thumb.

"Thank you, You have to be the cutest little girl I've ever seen." I smile down at her, she smiles a toothy smile. She is missing her 2 front teeth.

"Let's go eat!" some of the boys whine out causing to girls to laugh. Everyone goes inside to the dinning room. Sitting down we begin to eat.

Meeting Zenith's parents wasn't bad as I thought it would be. They're nothing like my parents. I have to call them King and Queen and bow to them. Even though Kenith and Zaya are the rulers, Zenith or the packmates didn't bow to them. It was like they didn't see themselves above them.That's a ruler, a king. I don't want to follow in my parents' footsteps. I'm nothing like my parents, I don't see myself above anyone in my kingdom. I know mermen and mermaids are the most dominant creatures on Earth, but I don't see myself above anyone. I see myself as lower than my kingdom. That's the way I see it, since I guide them, keep them save, have every decision with them in mind. I hope I'm a great king whem my time comes.

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