Myley blushed but did as he asked, Harley smiled down at her as he intertwined his big rough ranch worked hand with her smaller more delicate one and proceeded to drive her into town.

Myley found a sexy little dress with a lower neckline and decided it was perfect,a little sexy but not too risky. She had been around Harley all week and they had kept it safe with little chaste kisses and as she wasn't ready to take it all the way, she did enjoy seeing that look in his eyes and knowing she put it there. Besides, she would at least like one hot kiss before the night was over.

Harley asked her if he could take her too lunch while they were out, kind of like their first date. Myley was happy with this and gladly agreed. Harley sat at a booth table and as she slid in he slid in behind her and pulled her hand to his lap this time, lacing his fingers over hers as they order the dinners daily special and chatted and played while they ate lunch.

Knowing she had to quit being so innocent and shy if she wanted this to work Myley swallowed a bite of food she had in her mouth and then leaned over and up to kiss Harley on the chin.

"Thank you for today." She murmured looking him in the eyes as he froze as it was the first time she had kissed him first.

"Baby, if your gonna kiss me every time I do something nice for you, all you have to do is ask and its yours." He said with a wink and Myley snickered at that.

They finished their meal and headed for the truck. "You gonna show me what you bought or make me wait?" Harley teased her on the way home. "Make you wait." She laughed and Harley mumbled "Figured" and laughed with her.

When they got back to the ranch Harley stopped at the end of the long drive-way, "Baby, I want to kiss you before we get back. I want to pull off the road here but I don't want you to panic." Myley breath locked in her chest and her hands started to shake from anxiety but she smiled up at Harley, "I will try not to Harley, it's fine." She said with a giggle.

Harley smiled and pulled the truck over to the side. Wrapping his hands under her arms Harley pulled Myley over his lap, "Come here baby, let me taste that sweet little mouth." He said huskily as he licked slowly over her bottom lip and groaned, "You have no idea how much these sexy little lips torture me. I dream about your mouth." He growled out as he licked and nipped her bottom lip. Myley let out a little moan of her own before Harley opened his mouth over her's, when she opened to him he again licked the inside of her top lip before dipping in deeper and licking over her tongue. Harley moaned when Myley slid her tongue over his and then licked his bottom lip as he had done her. "Good Lord, baby, you tear me up." He whispered into her mouth as he sucked her top lip into his mouth.

They sat panting and kissing for a good few minutes before Harley pulled back and rested his head on her chest bone. "I gotta stop baby, I want more, more than your ready for." He panted and Myley was touched by his willingness to take it slow for her. She reached up and took off his cowboy hat rubbing her hands over his shaved head. Harley groaned, gaining courage and curiosity, Myley leaned over and kissed his ear, slowly all the way down the shell. She felt him shiver letting her know he liked it, so next she licked over the outside of his ear and then licked and sucked on the lobe. "Oh good God, honey." Harley growled, grabbing her hips and sifting her belt loops at her hips as he pulled her closer. "Oh damn baby, That is hot. Where you learn that?" He moaned as she continued licking and sucking like a little kitten. "Ugggg" he growled and tipped his head to the side not wanting to break the thin connection they were bonding together past her usual comfort zone. Wanting to taste more Myley dropped her mouth and licked over the skin below his ear and then behind it. He purred under her as she licked and sucked the skin down his neck. Then unable to stand anymore he pulled back.
"My turn," He whispered as he dipped down and treated her to the same treatment starting at her ear. Myley's breathing sped up, she panted, moaned and softly whispered his name as he showed her the first stages of real passion.

"Mm baby, you taste so good." He moaned as he licked and sucked down her neck."

"Oh God Harley." She moaned his name and whether she realized it or not her little ass was dancing on his lap, driving him crazy.

Looking down and seeing her shirt gaped open as they first few buttons were undone, Harley leaned down and rained kissed over the top of her chest. "I want time alone with your for your birthday baby, I want to kiss you here." Harley said licking over the top of her cleavage. "I want to show you pleasure by kissing you there. I promise I will stop there but will you let me? Will you let me show you baby?" Harley asked with a groan as he licked over her cleavage again with a moan. "Yes, Harley. God yes anything you want." She moaned and with a painful groan Harley laid his head back against the seat panting. "We have to stop baby. Now we have to get to the ranch before my control breaks." He groaned not at all happy. Myley slowly slid off his lap and looked dazed out the front window as he shifted and drove them the rest the way home.

The rest of the evening was spent with the family, Myley nor Harley could forget their little kissing session and hot looks were exchanged between them all night.

Everyone noticed the hard sober look Harley carried all day after he had returned from his little trip with Myley to town but no one wanted to ask. Myley looked up once everyone had left just the two of them at the table to see a very intense look on Harley's face as he stared at her with fire in his eyes. It sent chills down her body as she remembered the feel of his tongue as it swept over her skin. Knowing he was remembering the same. Finally being able to take anymore from him and feeling things she didn't understand Myley stood and tearing her eyes from his she went to her room.

"My, my you two could start a fire in the room with those heated looks." Mrs. B chuckled. Harley was irritable because he wanted Myley so much and still he tasted her on his tongue. "Yea, well I am trying to take it slow with her but it can get hard on a man." Harley grumbled not comfortable explaining things with her mother. "Son, you don't think I don't know you want my baby like any man would want a woman. Hell baby, your human and I may be her real momma but I think of you boys as my own too ya know." Harley nodded, "I know and we think of you the same." Harley half smiled. "Good then why don't you trust me not to throw a hissy fit if you talk to me about it." Mrs B. said with a laugh.

"We ain't gonna be able to wait much longer Mrs B., I don't mean she is ready to give herself to me completely but when she looks at me with those pretty brown eyes all full of wonder, it undoes me. There is nothing in the world I wouldn't give they gal."

Mrs B. Nodded, "I know that honey, why do you think I trust you with her, hell boy she is 19 years old tomorrow and she knows her own mind. I know that you plan to marry that girl one day so you won't hear me complaining about a thing, unless ya hurt her." Harley nodded and looked up at Mrs. B. with the same heated look he gave Myley before she ran. "Just as long as you know it's coming, we can't keep our hands off each other at times and I can't keep stepping back from her." He warned and then left the kitchen.
Mrs B laughed, "Lord that poor boy is about to go up in flames if he don't get that girl soon." She mumbled to herself and laughed. She had waited for this day and the need and love that shone in his eyes for Myley tickled her. She was happy to know her daughter would experience love on that soul deep level.

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