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Karen's P.O.V.

It's the beginning of December 2009, There is snow everywhere. I am around six months pregnant with mine and Jimi's baby. We know the gender but the public does not, beside close family and friends. We are in Nashville and this year winter was worse than most. Kim and Phillip along with their spouses and kids were coming over to help Jimi and I set up our new house before the baby comes.

There is so much to do and Jimi is practically by himself cause I can't lift anything heavy or deal with paint or move furniture or put some things away without stretching or lifting over my limit, or do anything because Jimi is very protective. So we called everyone to help and I offered to watch Daisy and Penelopi while everyone got the house ready.

Everyone came in the early mornin and started working. I helped the girls out of their snow suits and took them into the main area to play with some toys they brought. They played for a while and let them comb my hair and paint my nails. Once it was lunch I ordered everyone pizza. We all ate and the adults went back to work. I put the girls down for a quick nap cause they were tired. I laid down with them and fell asleep too.

I woke up two hours later by two little fingers poking my belly gently.

"Aunt Kiki! Can we go pway outside?"

"Sure but go ask your mommy and daddy."

They leave to ask and then they come out with everyone in tow. Kim smiles and sits beside me.

"We all need a break. Let's all go outside and enjoy the snow."

"That sounds like fun. Lets get ready."

Jimi and I get the box with our winter clothes and I put on my heavy jacket, gloves and snow boots. It's not very cold out so I don't put heavy pants on, I just stay in my jeans. Jimi wears almost the same as me but his jacket is lighter, he is a furnace and is always warm. He doesn't get cold easy.

Kim and Becky have Daisy and Penelopi ready. Then they get ready. The girls are so cute. Daisy is two and Pen is about one and a half. They are so cute on their little legs trying to run around. Phillip and Steve are also ready.

We head outside to the front yard and everyone runs out. I can't really run with a huge stomach so I just walk. I told Jimi I'll catch up and he should go play with everyone. He kisses my cheek and runs ahead and I eventually get to the group.

Daisy throws snow at Jimi and he falls pretending he has been hit. Penelopi goes to him and jumps on him and we laugh. Jimi plays along and I pick up a hand full of snow and toss it on his face. I stand as I am beside Becky and Kim and Jimi pops up and wipes his face looking at all three of us.


Kim and Becky pointed at me and I give Jimi a slight smile. He sets Pen in the snow beside him and stands up grabbing a snow ball. He throws it at me not hard to hurt but enough to know I should not do it again or it's war. Daisy did not like what he did. She ran and jumped on Jimi and yelled.

"No hurt Aunt Kiki! She have Baby!"

Phillip looks at Pen.

"Get him too Pen. He threw snow at Aunt Kiki"

Penelopi didn't really grasp that concept but she walked over to me. I smile and pick her up and she hugs me. I smile and hug her.

"Thank you Pen. I love my hugs."

I put her down to keep playing and I tell Kim and Becky I am gonna go back to the house. They offer to come with if I wanted but I tell them to enjoy their time. I went inside and started to make hot chocolate for everyone and cookies. Once that was done I keep the burner warm to keep the hot chocolate warm and I put the cookies in the cookie jar. I go to the window and watch everyone play. They are all in a snowball fight and Daisy and Pen are being carried around by Steve and Jimi to get closer to Kim and Becky to throw. Phillip was kind of the ref. Honestly Jimi would be using Daisy as a sheild, but when a snow ball came towards her he turned so he got hit and not her. I smile at that and then sit down on the kitchen chair. I have done a lot of standing in the past few hours. My feet are killing me.

"Ow, I need a foot massage"

But I felt something different with the baby. I usually only get strong butterflies when he moves. But I felt something that was slightly painful and only for a second. It pushed against my stomach. I wait and it does it again.

"Hi baby boy... I love you so much. So does your daddy."

It happens again and I know there is nothing wrong. He is kicking for the first time. Not butterfly kicks. Actual kicking. It's amazing. I get up and go to the door and open it and yell for Jimi.


He turns and runs over quickly panicking. Everyone following behind him. Everyone knows I haven't felt any kicking yet.

"What's wrong?! The baby?!"

"The baby is fine."

"Then why are you out here in the cold with no clothes on and bare feet."

"You shouldn't miss our baby's first kick."

"He's kicking?!"

I nod and he puts both hands on my stomach. It surprises me that they are sweaty and hot instead of cold.

The baby doesn't kick until I say

"Kick for daddy baby."

Once the baby hears my voice he kicks at Jimi's hands. He falls to his knees and kisses my stomach and talks.

"He's kicking! Hi baby! Daddy loves you very much. He is so proud of you!"

The baby kicks his hands again and he smiles and stands back up and kisses me. I kiss back and he pulls away and turns to everyone.

"My baby is kicking!"

They all laugh and I smile and then start to shiver. Jimi is smiling and very happy. He comes back and kneels down and talks to the baby and everyone is smiling and happy. The baby kicks more when Jimi talks.

"Baby, I hate to cut this short but I'm now freezing and my feet are sore and very cold."

"Yes, go back inside"

"Thanks. And when you are all done I made hot chocolate and cookies."

They nod and I go in and get myself a hot chocolate and a cookie and I go to the couch and lay down for a bit. I end up falling asleep.

I get woken by Penelopi grabbing my pants to help her stand and I look at her and smile. Becky comes over

"Sorry Karen. She got away from me, didn't mean to wake you."

"That's okay. I didn't mean to fall asleep."

"Get all the rest you can now. Cause soon you won't get none."

"I'll keep that in mind. Thanks Becky."

She smiles and nods and plays with Penelopi and Daisy. I get up and walk up stairs to see the rooms. Our room is done, the guest bedroom is done and I walk into the nursery to everyone painting a wall. Jimi sees me and comes over.

"Baby you shouldn't be in here. The paint fumes aren't good for you and the baby."

"I'm just looking. The other bedrooms look great."

"Yeah. They turned out nice. Probably because you picked out everything and told us where you want everything."

"Whatever. You got to pick some stuff."

"True. But anyways, you saw and now it's time to go."

"Jimi... I'm fine"

"The fumes are bad for you babe. I just want what's best."

"I know babe. And I'll leave cause I love you."

I kiss his cheek and walk out. And I enjoy the rest of the day just playing with the girls. Soon Jimi and I will be playing with out baby boy.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2023 ⏰

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