Food Fight. (Kim/All)

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Kimberly's P.O.V.

I asked everyone to come over for dinner. I got Steve to help set up the big table outback so we could all sit together. Once he was done he kept Daisy and Dolly occupied while I cooked. I made the main meal which was chicken alfredo with salad. And for dessert I made apple crumble, chocolate mousse cake, cheese cake, and banana cupcakes along with strawberry short cake. I made so many desserts so people could take left overs home.

Once everything was all set up Phillip and Becky came over with Penelopi. Her and Daisy went out back and played on the swing set and Steve let Dolly run around the back yard. I smiled and watched them for a bit then got all the silverware for the table and set it up.

After a bit I brought the food out and looked at the time. It was 4:15pm, Jimi and Karen were late. I looked at my phone and saw I had a missed text from Karen.

~Sorry Kim, we are gonna be a few minutes late. Honey decided to Jump into the pool the run into the house. Be there as soon as we can 😘~

I giggle at the thought of Jimi and Karen chasing Honey around the house.

~No worries, we will wait.~

"The Westbrooks are running late. They had a wet dog problem." We laugh and just wait for them to come. Once they get there I bring our the rest of the food. We all take a seat and makes sure everyone has theirs. Then me and Steve make a toast to family, friends and love. And we all start eating.

We are eating the main course, Steve is eating and talking to everyone while making sure Dolly is eating. Dolly is eating her food and dropping some on Daisy's plate who is passing it back. The sweets are eating and making conversation with everyone and Penelopi is talking with Daisy and Elijah. Jimi has been joking around and talking with Steve and Phillip, Karen hasn't said much but talks when she is asked. I talk with Becky and try and get Karen to join.

Once our main course is finished I cut a bit of everything and serve it to people. Once we are all sitting back down and eating Dolly throws chocolate Mousse at Elijah. Elijah looks stunned then throws his back at her but misses and hits both Daisy and Steve. I laugh and Daisy throws her apple crumble at Phillip and he throws stuff at Penelopi who throws stuff at me and I throw some at Becky who hits Jimi. Then Jimi grabs a hand full of stuff and throws it at Karens face. She jumps some and sits there looking kinda mad. We were all laughing but stopped when she was hit. We all watch her and she gets up and walks in the house we all look around at each other mainly at Jimi and next thing we knew she threw and entire cake at Jimi's face. We all start laughing and Jimi looks at Karen who is beside him and he grabs the cheesecake and throws half of it at Karen and the other half towards the rest of us.

It turned out to be a full on war against families. Dolly, Daisy, Steve and I tried to hit the Sweets and Westbrooks. The Sweets tried to hit us and the Westbrooks and the Westbrooks aimed at both the Sweets and us. Once we all ran out of food we stop and just laughed. Jimi gets up and walks to Karen and leans down liking her cheek.

"Mmm... Cheese cake.."

We all laugh and I start to clean up and the girls help me, the boys take care of the kids and get them all cleaned up. I take the dishes inside and put them in the sink.

"Karen you have been quiet all day. What's up?"

"Nothin. Just been an off day. But turned out to be better after that food fight."

Becky smiles and nods. "After that fight nobody could be mad."

"Karen you always tell us when you're having an off day. So what's up?"

"It's honestly nothing. When Honey jumped into the pool and ran in the house... she smashed a photo and it got wet and it's ruined."

"You wouldn't be upset over an ordinary picture... which picture?"

"It was a picture of Jimi and I at the hospital when Elijah was born... it was the only one I had..."

"Oh Karen..."

"It's fine. I'll always have him and the memories... especially today... with cheesecake that went down my shirt."

We laugh and Kim passes us a towel and Karen takes to Jimi and Elijah and cleans them up. Jimi sits there and lets Karen wipe his face like another kid. Becky and I laugh and We get our families cleaned up too.

I would totally cook again and have them back for dinner. Because I love my friends and family and I love our food fights.


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