Just Checking Up (K&J)

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Jimi's P.O.V.

It has been over 3 months since we lost Kim's husband Stephen. And its been 3 months since Karen secretly filed for divorce and never told anyone until her lawyer visited us last week saying she was a free woman.

After everything we have been through with losing Stephen, how close Karen was with him and Kimberly, she had to go through a divorce too. And all alone. She didn't tell anyone. Her parents knew but she made them promise not to tell.

I know Kim has it hard, losing a husband ain't easy, but I feel like Karen needs someone more than Kim in this point in time. There were days over the past three months when Kim could barely do anything, so we took turns and stayed with her, each having some time to mourn and then be there for Kim. Which eventually got better, especially 2 weeks ago when she met Steve. But nobody really took the time to help Karen mourn over her good friend or to help her go through a divorce alone. It can't be easy.

We all met a two weeks after we buried Stephen at Kimberly's house to talk about what happens next. We agreed we'd stay a band and keep goin. Kimberly had a bad moment and I remember her words exactly.

"Who am I gonna cook for?"

And Karen being the woman she is putting everyone before herself said.

"Me, you can cook for me."

No one questioned it. Kimberly gave her a hug and nodded. Kim seemed happy with that answer. But I seen Karen's face that night. She looked like she lost all hope and had a slight sparkle in her eye when she answered Kim. No one knew what Karen was goin through. She never talked about her personal life, it was always Kim to ask the questions and Karen would vaguely answer them. Karen made sure Kim was okay and she also made sure Phillip and I were doin okay too. But no one seemed to stop and ask Karen how she was.

I feel so selfish for not checking up on Karen. But here I am now, pulling in her apartment that she got a few days ago cause she moved out of the house she was in with Mark. I checked up on her every day since after we all found out she got divorced. And now I am checking up on her again today.

I knock on the door and I hear her yell

"Just a minute!" I wait patiently outside her door and then she opens the door with short shorts and a tank top and her hair soaking wet.

"Hey Karen"

"Hey, come on in. Sorry bout the waiting, I just stepped out of the shower and had to quickly get dressed."

"That's no problem. Just checking up on ya again today."

"Jimi, you've been checking up on me every day since you found out I was divorced."

"I just wanna make sure you're okay. You went through the loss of a friend and a divorce at the same time. That's a big deal Karen"

"It is, but I am seriously fine. I've been dealing with it perfectly fine."

"Crying in the shower is not perfectly fine."


"Your eyes are swollen and red."

"I got soap in them..."


"Why do you care?"

"Cause I am your friend and I wanna make sure you are okay. You were there for everyone. You made sure we were all eating, and all mourning. But not one of us stopped and asked you. I know you're mourning but not as much as you should be. You cry in between helping people when no one is near. And it's been three months Karen. I notice your body changing. You haven't been eating properly. Kim hasn't been back to her self just yet to start cooking up a storm. When was the last time you ate a proper meal?"

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