Rebecca (P&R)

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Phillip's P.O.V.

I was at a local coffee spot in Nashville, I was sitting down enjoying my coffee when she walked in.

She the most extraordinary woman I have ever seen. I never knew I could meet someone like her. No. I never knew someone like her exsisted outside of my dreams. Her brunette hair falls luxuriously down her back. Crap. She saw me staring. I smile slightly and blushed and looked down at my coffee.

Next thing I know, She was next to me.

"This seat taken?"

"No, please." She sat down and smiled and I glimpsed around and saw so many empty tables, then looked back at her.

"I"m Rebecca"

"Phillip, It's nice to meet you."

"You as well, So, I saw you starin', and not to point you out or make it awkward. But I took it as a compliment."

"Yes, it was totally a compliment. I wouldn't have stared otherwise, which sorry by the way for the staring."

"Well, thank you. And it's okay. I stared at you too when you looked down."

We both talk and we seem to enjoy the other's presents.

"So are you seeing anyone Rebecca?"

"You can call me Becky. And I wouldn't have sat here and flirted with you if I was. And you would have told me by now if you were seeing someone... Or I'd hope you would."

"No, I mean Yes, you're right, and I am not seeing anyone. Could I take you out then? To dinner?"

"Sure, When were you thinking?"

"Umm... When are you free?"

"Right now I'm off for a couple days."

"Me too. How about tomorrow at six?"

"Sounds like a date, I'll give you my address"

"That sounds great."  She writes it down and passes me the napkin. I smile and she sits there. We continue to talk about our work and a little more about who we are. Once she has to leave, I sit there and think about her.

She is perfect. Everything about her is perfect. I can't believe I just talk to her, I can't believe she would talk to me. I should tell Jimi, No, wait, I don't wanna Jinx anything. I won't tell anyone yet. I'll wait until after the first date, or maybe a couple, just to be safe.

The next day came and it was four pm. I went in the shower, shaved, brushed my teeth, put some good smelly stuff on and dressed in nice clothes. I asked Karen for her opinion about it over a picture I sent her. She like it. I had to tell her I had a date but not to jinx it.

She wished me good luck and hope it goes well, I left for Rebecca's place around five thirty cause she lived about 20 minutes away plus the traffic which would put me there a couple minutes early, but mainly on time.

I pulled up and knocked on her door. She answered in this cute dress that's knee length and flowy, it was black with spaghetti straps.

"You look amazing."

"Thank you, you look pretty great as well."

I smiled and offered her an arm to the car. She took it with a smile and I opened the door for her. She got in and then I got in and drove us to a somewhat fancy restaurant that had great food. I got out and went inside with her. We sat at a table and we talked while we waited. We looked through the menus and order our drinks with our food.

"So, you wanna start a blog?"

"Yeah, I think everyone should either relate or try things to do from different personalities and different points of view. And I hope what I do and talk about people can relate too or tell me something to try and do."

"That actually sounds amazing. To help people and to get new things to help yourself."

"Yeah, so you are a musician?"

"Yeah, we aren't big yet, but we have one hit, not number one but like the top 50 songs or something, it's called 'Boondocks'."

"Oh, I heard that song, that's really great and so relatable to a lot of people. I cannot believe you're one of the singers."

"Yeah, myself and three of my close friends are in a group called 'Little Big Town'"

"That is awesome. And I just happened to land a date with you."

"Yeah. Which I don't know if that's a plus or a minus to you?"

"Thats a plus, just makes you a little more better"

"A little more?"

She smiles and our food arrives. I smile and nod and we eat. After the date, I pay and we leave. I take her to the park where we walk around for a bit, then she yawns.

"Wanna head home? You seem tired."

"Sorry, I don't mean to be rude."

"No, that's okay, people get tired. I understand. I'll take ya home to get some rest. Hopefully I can see you again?"

"Of course. But you'll get my number when you drop me off."


I take her home and I walk her to the door and she passes me her number. I thank her and wish her a good night and she kisses my cheek and I kiss hers. She goes inside and I get back in my car and drive home. When I get back to my place I get ready for bed and lay down.

Rebecca, she is perfect. If I have her for the rest of my life, I'll be complete. I fall asleep and just dream about Rebecca.


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