The men continued to argue and all I could do was cry. I knew what was coming, and I had got myself into it. I should have just stayed in that club and confronted Perrie, or gone back to the Hotel, but this... This was not what I had expected when I walked out of my Hotel room tonight. I felt the vehicle come to a stop, and then the men had their hands on me again. I tried to fight them, but I lost, and was being dragged out of the vehicle into a building. I felt them untying my hands, but at the same time they were tying my legs down. Then my arms were handcuffed behind my back.

"Now, let's see that pop star face of yours." A third voice said, and then I felt my blindfold being removed. It took a moment for eyes to adjust, but I could see three men standing in front of me in what appeared to be an old wear house. "You were right dude, she is perfect." Said the blonde man, who was smaller than the other two, but I was able to tell that he was the guy who helped carry me into the vehicle. "That's for sure." Said the third voice. His voice didn't match his look, as he was tall, but skinny, and not at all what I had imagined in my head. Then there was the guy I dragged out the club.

I wasn't sure what it was that they fully had planned, but I was sure that I was not gonna be okay by the end of it. The blonde stepped towards me first. "You gorgeous," He placed his right hand on my face and I tried to pull away but had very limited movement, and was unsuccessful. "You are perfect." I didn't like the look in his eyes, a look of hunger. Then I found his hand being removed from my face and instead down at his pants. He was undoing his belt and buttons. I knew what was to come. I closed my eyes tight an fought the urge to cry. Then I felt my pants being removed and I couldn't do anything to stop it. I was powerless. "So perfect." He said again and I felt him take over my unwilling body.

I knew I was in for a lot, but I was unable to stay awake at the pain I was feeling and felt myself pass out sometime during. When I awake again, I felt very disgusting, but I could feel that my arms and legs were no longer tied down. And, much to my surprise, I was dressed. I tried to get up to escape, when I felt an extreme amount of pain in my abdomen. I looked town to find blood covering my entire shirt. (What had they done to me?) I slowly lifted up my shirt and felt myself cry out at the sight. I had slash marks on my stomach and they were deep. I looked around the room and found that I was in fact alone. I put my shirt back down and slowly made my way off the ground. It hurt like hell to stand but I didn't have much of a choice, I had to get out of there. I found my coat lying on the ground a few feet behind me. I painfully bend down, retrieved it and put it on, making sure to hit the blood coating my t-shirt.

It took me a while, but I found the door and opened it to very cold air, and darkness indicating it was still night. I looked around to see where I was and saw a street sign a few hundred feet to my left. I made my way to it, and waited, hoping I could find a cab at this time of night. I wasn't sure what it was, as my phone had died hours before back at the club. I knew the name of the Hotel we were staying at, and what street it was on, but I had no idea where I was or how to get there.

After a long while of waiting, a cab finally made their way down the street. I waved it down and got in. I told the driver where we were staying, and felt him pull away after I buckled myself in. The seatbelt hurt my stomach a lot, and I really wanted to remove it, but I knew I couldn't. It took over an hour, but we finally made it to the Hotel. I payed the driver, and got out. I made my way to the elevators and pressed for floor 6. I got out once the doors opened, and made my way down the hall. Before I could stop myself I was knocking on Perrie's door.

She opened it immediately and the look on her face indicated that she had clearly been crying. "I'm sorry..." I barely got out. Talking really hurt. "I know Alex is here but I need..." My words were cut off my Perrie grabbing my hand and pulling me into her room. "Alex isn't here. We broke up." I was shocked by here blunt statement. That must have been why she was crying. "I'm sorry Perrie, I should go." I turned to try and walk out of the already closed door, but was stopped by Perrie grabbing my waist. I felt a wave of pain take over my body and I tried really hard to stay on my feet.

However, I was not very good at hiding that I was in pain, and Perrie immediately removed her hands. "Jade, what's wrong?" I slowly turned towards her, tears in my eyes from the pain. "Nothing, I really should..." I was cut off by the look of shock on Perrie's face. She had unzipped my jacket and I hadn't even noticed. Then I saw tears fill her eyes. "What happened?" She was choking on her words a bit, and I felt more tear fall down my face. I lost the ability to keep up the façade I was doing and fell to the floor in pain. Perrie followed suit. "Jade please, let me look." I was holding my shirt down, knowing what was underneath. I just shook my head but that didn't stop her. At this point, I was too weak to put up any fight.

I heard a loud gasp and saw pain take over the blonde's face. More tears feel from her eyes. I couldn't look down, I didn't want to see them again. "Pez please..." I begged, wanting her to stop looking at what was now a very ugly body. She looked up and made eye contact with me. "Babe, we have to take you to the hospital." Could tell she wanted to know what happened, but she was trying to stay strong for me. I nodded and let her go get her phone to call for an ambulance. Before they were there however, I had passed back out from the pain in Perrie's arms.

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