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Perrie's POV

Kissing Jade was like a dream. I had been waiting for so long to do this, and all the years of holding in my emotions spilled out the minute our lips met. We started off slow and soft, and then we both got into it. We stumbled backwards into the wall and Jade was running her hands through my hair and all over my body. I could feel her desperation to take it farther, and my body was on fire. Just as I was about to slide my hands to the bottom of her shirt to take it off, there was a knock at my door.

We both jumped, and parted quickly, trying to hold back that we were both out of breath as we went to open the door. I assumed it was the girls, so you could image my surprise and guilt when I opened the door and saw Alex, my boyfriend, standing on the other side.

He wrapped me up in his arms, lifted me off the ground and twirled us around the room. Before I could even blink, Jade was out the door and across the hall in her room. My heart dropped. I didn't want to spend time with Alex, I wanted to spend it with Jade. But I couldn't blow him off, we are still together, and no one can know about Jade and I, it would ruin our career.

I felt my body being lowered to the ground and then lips against mine. I do love Alex, don't get me wrong, but he's not Jade. I kissed him back, but it didn't have the same fire and passion that the one Jade and I just shared did. I have never had a feeling like that with anyone before, it was new and exciting, and my body was craving more. But I had this man in front of me looking in my eyes with so much love, and I did not want to hurt him. So for now, I have to keep the kiss Jade and I shared between well, Jade and I. I can't even tell the girls.

"How is my super star?" He asked with a smile. I smiled back.

"I'm good, I'm a bit tired." I lied. My body and mind were wide awake, just not for him.

"What was going on before I came in?"

My heart sank. Did he know? How could he know? I stood there unable to answer, as I could feel panic take over my body.

"Jade seemed upset when she left, did I interrupt something? Is everything okay?" He sounded generally concerned. My mind jump to Jed.

"Oh... Yeah that, Jed broke up with her this morning. She's been in here all day."

I saw his face fall with genuine sadness. "That's too bad. They were good together. Maybe I should go over there and let her know I'm here for her."

"NO!" The word shot out of my mouth before I could stop it. I slapped my hand over my mouth as panic spread over my body, again.

"What? Why not?" He looked at me puzzled.

"Umm.. because, Jade actually hates you." I lied, again. I know Jade, she's not good at hiding her emotions when she's upset, and at the moment, she has had her heart broken and put back together, and then broken again in the matter of hours. I saw her face when she saw it was Alex. Her eyes went dull and her face dropped. For a moment, I think we both forgot about him, and the sight of him reminded her that I wasn't hers, I was his.

"She what? She hates me.... w.. why?" I felt bad. Alex loves the girls, and he thought they liked him too. It is true however, the girls do like him. I felt really bad about lying.

"I don't know. She just told me that she doesn't actually like you, but that she tries to be nice around you for my sake." My head was beginning to spin with all the lies I was coming up with so fast. I always tell the truth, what has gotten into me?


(4 hours later)

Alex had arranged for all of us to go to dinner. Yes, all of us, me, Alex, Jade, Leigh Anne, and Jesy. Like I said, he thought they all liked him. I offered to have him not invite Jade after lying to him, but he is a good guy, and didn't want to leave her out.

When we got to the restaurant, he was acting a bit weird. Like he was nervous or something. It was probably the Jade thing.

We ate our meals, and just as we were getting our checks, he stood up and I knew what was happening and I didn't like it. He started his speech of how much he loves me, and how I am the only woman for him. I kept moving my eyes over to Jade, and I could see her holding back tears. I could not say no to this man in a public place, it would make headlines.

I prayed he would stop and just sit back down, but instead he nelt down, and opened up a box. There was a very expensive looking ring in the box and he said the words I was dreading.

"Perrie, would you do me the absolute honor of being my wife."

I opened my mouth but nothing came out. I took one last look at Jade, and she was crying. She got up, and rushed to the bathroom. The other 2 girls looked confused, but hopefully they just assumed it was all too soon after Jed. Hopefully.

Without Jade there, I was able to mutter out one single word.


He grabbed me and pulled me up off my chair and pulled me into a kiss. The people around us clapped and cheered. He pulled away, put the ring on my finger, and took my hand in his.

This doesn't feel right. This should be Jade and I. But it's too late now, he made it a public event. This will be huge news in a few hours as people were snapping pictures of the entire thing from all angles. There was no going back now.

My heart sank and I felt sick. I just wanted to look Jade in the eyes and say sorry, but she was nowhere to be found.

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