Not so Happily Engaged

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Perrie's POV

It had been 3 days since Alex arrived and proposed, and just as I suspected it was all over social media within hours. I had to pretend to be happy, in reality I was crushed inside. I was gonna break up with him. I want Jade. She's my sunshine, she's my light. But now, the entire world knows Alex and I are engaged, I can't just break up with him, that's a little weird right after saying "yes" to the big question.

I was laying in my hotel room, Alex was down in the cafeteria getting us breakfast, but honestly I didn't want to eat. I was sick to my stomach. Every time I closed my eyes I saw a broken Jade running as Alex got down on his knee.

"Ugh!!" I sighed to myself, wallowing in my self pity, pulling the covers over my head as I felt the tears beginning.

Within minutes I was fully hyperventilating. I hear the sound of my key card in the door signaling that Alex was back, but I couldn't stop crying. When he came in, he just set everything he brought up down, and got into the bed with me, consuming me into his arms. This just caused me to cry more.

Jade's POV

I hadn't been sober in 3 days. I woke up everyday, got ready for press, and by the night, I was glammed and heading out to the bar or the club. Jesy told me it wasn't healthy what I was doing and that I needed to talk about, but that was the last thing I wanted to do.

Today was our first day off in a while, so I was prepared to be out all day just vetted slammed. I woke up and took a very needed shower letting the hot water run down my back and torso. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander. That was a bad idea. My sober mind always went to Perrie. I imagined our kiss and I was immediately turned on. (Fuck) well, at least I'm in the shower.

I began to trace my hands all over my body imaging it was Perrie. This was a low point. A very sad, low point. Right as I was about bring my right hand to my very wet center I heard a knock at my door. It's always someone isn't it.

"Be there in a minute!" I shouted from the shower and turned the water off. I quickly dried myself off and put on some shorts and a shirt just to see who was at the door.

When I opened the door I was very annoyed to see Alex standing on the other side.

"Hey, Perrie told me that You and Jed broke up the other day, so I know that you have a lot on your plate right now. But there is something wrong with Perrie and she won't talk to me, I thought maybe...." I didn't let him finish his sentence before I was on the other side of the hallway making my way into Perrie's room. As I was making my way to the bed I turned to the sound of Alex siding my key card under the door. (Geez, he doesn't have to be so nice. It's hard to make me hate him.)

I turned back around to see what could only be a curled up Perrie in the bed, but no one would know she was completely covered up by the blankets.

"Alex I told you to go away." Her voice sounded horse from crying.

"I can leave, but I'm not Alex."

At the sound of voice, Perrie popped her head out from under the blankets. She looked like my Perrie but she didn't. Her eyes were puffy and red and had huge bags under them. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see days worth of food left out that was never eaten, clearly meant for Perrie. I felt a tear fall down my cheek as I made my way to sit on the bed.

Perrie's POV

The look on Jade's face broke my face. She looked broken, and I knew why. Then I saw a tear fall from her eyes. This was all my fault. I broke her.

She sat down next to me on the bed and spoke before I was able to.

"Babe, what's wrong? Alex is worried about you, and honestly, now so am I." I began to cry at her words. I didn't care that Alex was worried, but I didn't want to worry her. She had enough on her plate. I felt her hands caress my face whipping away my tears. My body shivered at he touch. God I missed her.

"Why aren't you eating?" She asked tilting her head towards the plates of untouched food from the last 3 days. I just began to cry again. This caused Jade to pull me into a tight hug and I felt myself give into all my emotions and I began to ball. We stayed like this for as long as it took me to cry out all of my tears.

Once I was done crying, Jade slowly pulled us apart and leaned our foreheads together. "Talk to me." She pleaded as she looked into my eyes. I saw tears forming in her eyes.

Jade's POV

I looked into Perrie's eyes but they weren't Perrie's eyes. It was like a sad, dark soul took over my beautiful Perrie and replaced her with a clone who looked and smelled like Perrie, but wasn't. I began to cry. (Damnit Thirlwall get it together.)

I felt Perrie pull back from me a bit, as our foreheads were no longer touching. My heart ached a little as we were not longer touching. Then I felt her trailing kissing on my cheeks, Kissing away tears. (Damn this girl is gonna be the death of me.)

I opened my eyes to see some light had come back to Perrie's eyes. I smiled a little at this. That meant my Perrie was still in there. Then she began to speak.

"I don't want to marry Alex."

Her words took me by surprise, but before I could ask why she said yes if she didn't want to marry him, she began to speak again.

"I felt obligated to say yes because he made it so public and now I feel trapped, like I can't break up with him because it's all over social media that we are getting married. This is actually hell Jadey, I'm in fucking hell." She began to break down, but she had no more tears left. Instead of crying, she was panicking.

I took her head in my hands and began to stroke her hair in my hands, scratching her head a bit with my nails the way she likes when she's in this state. After a few minutes I felt her body relax into mine. Then I felt myself getting angry. Angry at Alex for putting my Pez in this situation and taking my bubbly Perrie away.

Perrie's POV

I felt myself relaxing and then I felt Jade's skin getting really hot. I pulled away from her and looked into her eyes to see a new side of Jade. A side I wasn't sure I liked. Her eyes were black, and it wasn't good. Her face was red and she was heavily breathing and clenching her jaw like she was trying to keep in her anger.

"Jade... are you mad at me?" I asked cautiously. I think the fear in my voice took her out of her thoughts. She looked me in my eyes and I saw tears forming again.

"No babe. I'm not mad at you. I love you." She said the last words with pain evident in her voice.

"I am however, a bit pissed off at Alex." And that look came back in her eyes at her mentioning of his name, and like on que, he walked in. (Fuck)

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