The Truth

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Perrie's POV

Jade and I were laying on the couch watching The Conjuring. I hate scary movies, so naturally I was snuggled up into Jade, hiding my face into her neck at any chance I could get.

"Why did you pick this move..!" I whine into her ear as this lady is dragged across the floor by nothing.

Jade just giggles and pulls me closer into her body.

I only ever watch scary movies with Jade. Like I said before, I hate them. I think I only watch them with her because it's a good excuse to snuggle into her.

I wipe that thought from my head.... knock knock knock

I woke up to a loud knocking at my door, which pulled me out of my dream. I was both happy and sad. I was happy as I did not want to watch that movie then, let alone a second time in my dreams. But the memory of snuggling into Jade faded away as I got up out of my bed to answer the door. I had to be careful, as Jade's body was intertwined with mine.

Once I got up out of the bed, I answered the door to a distressed Jesy and Leigh-Anne standing outside my door.

"Have you heard from or seen Jade at all?? Jed called me as he has been trying to reach her all night and she has not answered a single call or text. He's worried, so now we..." Jesy was cut off by the sound of a crash in my room.

All three of us rushed into the room to a fallen Jade on the floor. At first we were concerned, then the brunette began to laugh.

"I had to pee, but I am way too tired to move."

We all laughed and Jesy and Leigh-Anne took a sigh of relief.

"Jed has been trying to reach you for hours. He though you were missing, and so did we. Jes and I spent 10 minutes knocking at your door and got nothing. We thought something was wrong." Leigh-Anne said, with another sigh.

It was as if in that moment, Jade was suddenly wide awake. She scrambled over to the night stand and picked up her phone.

30 missed texts, and 20 missed calls.

It was 11:30 pm and Jade was supposed to call Jed 9 hours ago.

"Oh my god! He's gonna kill me!" Jade exclaimed, grabbing her purse and leaving Perrie's room to head to her own.

I felt a rush of sadness fall over my body. I know Jed doesn't like how close Jade and I are, so when he finds out we spent the entire day cuddled up together, asleep in my bed, it's going to cause a huge fight. Jade never lies to him about anything, it's just not in her nature. Even when she knows it's going to upset him to hear what she has to say.

I was pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of Jesy clearing her throat.

"What's going on? You two haven't disappeared together in 5 years." Jesy said, as she took a seat on my bed.

I felt my head spinning. Should I tell the girls what I have been feeling? I'm not even sure myself what I'm feeling towards the petit girl across the hall.

I took a deep sigh in and sat down next to Jesy, taking one of her hands to help me gain the courage to say what I have been thinking, or feeling, towards Jade.

"So... I think.. that maybe, I have feelings for Jade."

The other two girls just stared for a moment, and then Leigh-Anne sat on the other side of me, taking my other hand.

"This isn't like last time is it? Where you thought you had feelings until you met... you know..?" Leigh's words trailed off as she avoided the name of death.

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