"Fine...what should we try first."

Flipping through the pages, I took a seat on the ground quickly reading the new spells I had written a while back until the pages had suddenly flipped on their own.


"What about that one?" Liz asked glancing down at a time spell.

"A time-traveling spell...have you been talking to Stefan?"

"No...I...James told me about the witch...I just thought that since you know her-"

"I am not going to get into this, Liz. She's gonna kill herself tomorrow and I can go on with my life...Silas doesn't even know about my relationship to Qetsiyah, so...I'm good, thanks."

Closing the book, I start heading for the backdoor of the house when suddenly a huge gush of wind comes out of nowhere almost knocking me down to the ground. With trees being pulled from all sides, as well as dirt and leaves floating in the air, I had turned back to see Liz standing in this bubble-like cloak, untouched by the wind.

"You might not care about what happens to her...but I'm pretty sure you have some enemies on the other side that you would like to keep there. We both know that you're the only one that could stop Silas." Liz yelled out.

Looking at all directions, I slowly started heading back to Liz, lifting my hand up and creating this shield as I entered the little bubble she created.

"...that Bennett witch...I saw her leaving the Young Farmhouse a few hours ago with Katherine, James saw her at the cemetery where the 12 witches were murdered...I think Katherine told her something, I just need you to find out what that is."

"I don't think time traveling is one of my powers?"

"It's not, but your ability to put anything into people's heads is. Bonnie's power comes from the earth if you can tap into that, you can see what she's been doing."

"And what if I can't? I've killed too many people to be able to tap into nature." I added.

"You took a vampire's life for a witch...you balanced nature. You can do it again."

"Even if that costs the life of another witch?" I questioned.

"If that's the only way, yes."

Taking in a deep breath, I reached my hand back out for the book before I kneeled down in the middle of the ground surrounded by the candles.

"Dig your fingers into the ground." Liz guided me as I closed my eyes.

Feeling the cold layers of the dirt engulf my hands fully, there was a prickling feeling around my wrists and arms as the grass wrapped itself around deepening my connection to Bonnie.

"What do you see?" 


"Who do you hear around you?" Liz whispered

"...I smell Katherine...she's angry, annoyed really...and freaked out by Bonnie."

"Okay, concentrate on what she's telling Katherine..."

"She's...asking her for Silas' tombstone. Something about breaking it to get blood..."

"Whose blood?" She asked again.

"I don't...wait...Qetsiyah. She wants her blood."

Snapping myself out of the trance, I gasp out a breath of air as the grass slowly started to seep back into the ground.

"What happened?"

"Bonnie isn't going to wait until the full moon, she's gonna break the tombstone to take Qetsiyah's blood and lower the veil whenever she wants." I blurted out.

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