Chapter 7

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  Jackson POV

My eyes were locked on her perfect body.

Her beautiful brown hair,

Her defined cheek bones,

And her perfect smile.

My mouth was dry, and it stung when I spoke. "Wow you look...." I shook my head. I didn't care if I said something too bold. "....beautiful....." My eyes were still locked on hers.

She smiled, and looked the ground,"Are those for me?" Asking with such such innocence.

"Y-yeah, um here." I pushed my hands in my pockets."I tried to find flowers that were as beautiful as you, but that turned out to be impossible..." What am I doing? I barely know her. Oh well.

She laughed. Of course. I had made a complete fool out of myself.

"Thank you, I'm not beautiful though." Her face dropped. I could tell she had little self confidence. I don't understand why though, I think she's gorgeous.

"Are you kidding? You're perfect!" There I go again. I said exactly what was on my mind!

Her eyes widened and her mouth hit the floor.

"You think I'm perfect?" She lifted her eyebrow.

My mind was racing back and forth. Do I say no, I think you're as ugly as crap (even though that was a conplete lie) or yeah, in fact I'm pretty sure I'm in love and want to spend the rest of my life with you.

That was heavy, I'm not sure what I am trying to accomplish here. I have trouble telling the difference in what I want and what I need.

"Can I come in?" I ignore her question. I don't know how to answer her without coming onto strong or hurting her feelings.

"Totally, um I'm not ready yet. I'll be right back though." She smiled and headed back upstairs. Things were already more awkward than I thought they'd turn about to be. She's barely looking me in the eye.

Honestly I'm hurt. Even though I ignored her this morning, I'm doing my best to make up for it, like when I sang with her when I saw she was nervous, inviting her to the lake, and well, showing up unexpectingly. But I know what I did this morning probably embarrassed her. And there's nothing I can do to make her forget about it.

"You okay?" She walks down the stairs in skinny jeans and a white net top that nearly reveals the red bikini top underneath.

"Yeah I'm fine," I chuckle."I was just thinking."

"Okay, well when do we leave?"

"Uh right now I guess." I open the door trying to be as gentlemen-like as I can.

She kind of looks at me like I'm insane and just walks towards my car with her head down.

This was not how I planned she would react. Everything has gotten more and more awkward by the second.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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