Chapter 4

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  At that moment I had so many questions running through my head, why did he do this? Is he actaully into me? Why did he ignored me this morning? What about Audrey? 

  We were just standing there for like two minutes. Nobody said a word.

   To be honest I didn't even know if anyone was still there. But I didn't want to look away to check, I was to focused on his adorable half smile.

  He seemed impressed. With me I guess. But this doesn't make sense at all. As far as I'm concerned, Audrey and him are still dating.

   But what am I thinking? He might not even like me at all. He probably sang with me just so we'd get going with class. Or so I wouldn't be embarrassed.

I just dont know.

"Why?" I stuttered while still smiling like a doof.

"I wanted to sing with you I guess." He said with such a flirtatious tone.

"Thank you."


  The bell rang and everyone got up while snickering and whispering and left. I looked over at Ms. Holder who was smiling with such pride like she was the reason this happened or something (she new I was into Jackson, I tell her everything).

She gave me a thumbs up and sat back down at her desk. I turned back around towards Jackson, who was still waiting.

"so.." I sounded so awkward

"so..." he said, "You wanna eat lunch together?"

oh my God!

"sounds great."



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