Chapter 6

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    Third, Fourth, and fifth period went by quickly. The first day of school turned out to be not as brutal as I thought it would be.

It was actually one of the best days ever.

When I got home, I went up to my room to start my homework. Then once I finished I jumped off my bed to grabbed my jacket off my desk chair and then the note Jackson gave me fell out of the pocket.

I quickly picked it up, grabbed my phone and and belly flopped on my bed.

I got all nervous. I had no idea what to say....hey or hi or wassup or.....I DON'T KNOW!

okay I just need to chill, and say something because I have no idea what time to go or where I meet Jackson.

{Hey, its Terryn}

The moment I sent it I threw my phone on the floor and stuffed my face into the pillow and screamed. God, I hope I wasn't coming onto to strong.

"you know what," I say to myself."I just need to chill. and be calm." I breath deeply and close my eyes.

And as I waited patiently, for his reply, I get up and look in my closet for something to wear. I picked out a few sun dresses but I thought they looked to dressy. I prayed I didn't have to wear a bathing suit or anyhting because I get so nervous when I do. I'm not fat or anything, I just dont like feeling naked in front of people.


I whipped my head around and drop to my floor then scoot to my phone frantically. I open it and see a text from Jackson


I began to hyperventilate and shriek. Of excitement of course. I kicked my legs in the air and shouted, " Yes! My love has responded!"

I may seem like a psychopath, but trust me, I'm totally normal.

Its just when he talks to me, I get this feeling of one hundred butterflies bouncing off my stomach, my mind goes in one thousand different directions, and my love for him becomes one million more times stronger.

{So what are we gonna do about the lake?}

He responded really quickly (which I didn't think was weird at all).

{I'm gonna drive you to the lake and then we're gonna camp out there in the woods. does that sound good? Oh and bring a bathing suit}

my phone vibrated again

{preferably a bikini ;-)}

I started blushing along with some screaming and cheering. But oh god, I have to wear a bathing suit in front of Jackson! That's the one thing I'm worried about. Well, other than him not liking me.

{sure, that sounds great! should I come to your house our what?}

I sat up and just sat there, thinking. I can't do this alone. Every time I thought about it my chest felt empty. Maybe I should text Mason, even though we had only texted a few times over the summer and she completely ignored me all day today.

When she picked up the phone and after I explained everything she started screaming.

"I TOLD YOU HE LIKED YOU, I KNEW IT!" she exclaimed.

I giggled,"So why did you ignore me today, Mace?" That was my nickname at her.

I heard her sigh, and then she said,"My mind was in a million different places Terryn, I really didn't mean to hurt you. I didn't talk to anyone that day really. My parents and I fought again this morning..."

Mason didn't fit in with her family, she was the free-living artist with a wild spirit and the rest if her family were the complete opposite. She had a tough home life, I understood what she was going through.

"It's okay," I said."So do you want to go with me?"

"Most definitely!" she yelled while busting out my eardrum.


It was Jackson.

"Hold on one second Mace."

he responded saying:

{sorry it took me so long to reply, I don't like texting while driving ;-)}

I cocked my head while staring at the door.

why did he use the winky face?

Then all of the sudden the doorbell rang.

"I'll call you back Mace, okay?" I ended it before she could say anything. I started running down stairs to answer the door.

What do you know, it was Jackson Hutchenson. standing there with a big bouquet of red roses. "Hey Terryn," he said while checking me out from head to toe."You look....gorgeous..."

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