The release

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The next day I wake up and grab the bolt cutters and head out to the same building I was in before. I hold Asriel aside and carefully clamp the vices around the chain on the door, and clamped the chains as hard as I could. The chains snapped, and I pulled the chains off the door. I knock on the door with a sturdy fist to be sure I was heard. I heard someone walking up to the door with loud foot beats. I opened the door bringing light in with my presents. Follower stood in the entry way, just as surprised as I was. I studied his features briefly. Black eyes with white pupils, blue fur, brown horns goat like ears short and fluffy, hooves, a fluffy goat like tail. What are you?! I ask in shock. I am a cybrid. What's a cybrid? A cybrid is a soul trapped in a object body. I have never seen one before, I say in a shocked manor. What kind of object are you? And how do you feel emotion and stuff? Well in order for us to be alive and full of personality we have to have bodies that are functional on the inside, so my body works about as similar as yours does. Follower looks to the out side and squints at the sun. Wow, this is the side I can't believe this I'm outside IM OUTSIDE!!!! He runs around outside and you hear loud hoof beats from behind you. Asriel looks uneasy from the appearance of Follower. You hear a deep voice from behind you. Oh my lord look at this the door ITS OPEN! ITS REALLY OPEN, I CANT BELIEVE THIS. He runs outside a large blue goat ram like creature with 2 brown horns and 2 brown hooves rushes out and, and Asriel freaks out and runs the other direction, luckily his reins where around his neck. I knew he knew the way home. I texted my dad telling him that Asriel has gotten spooked and took off home, so he wouldn't get worried. The larger ram like creature that you will guess is another cybrid looks down at you and asks me , are you the one who released us? I nod your head in shock. His voice rang loud in a deep tone. Thank you so much for this, what's your name young lady? Angela I say softly. He looks at me kindly and says,are you a friend of Follower? He's my son you know. I was a little shocked but could definitely see the resemblance. But he said you guys are a object with a soul..... You say softly. Ahh yes we are but his mother and I are the original 2 of this family. we were actually experiments created by some voodoo oats and some scientists. There are a few more of us out there. Just not in this location, I still try to stay in touch. Sometimes we can get the dolor power working. I gaze off watching Follower run and play in the grass. My dad texts me to come home to take care Asriel. Follower looks at me and asks will you be back?

123 sms Follower and AngelaOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz