Follower and Angela

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Follower sat bored at his desk starring at the clock, 10:00AM ugh, the days go by so slowly. He gets up to try to open the front doors once again, hearing the same metal clank of metal chains on the other side he stops to breath. Follower! His dad calls him, he runs up stairs to greet his father. Son have you seen your mother,"his father asks politely. No I haven't dad, I'll check down stairs in the basement. He runs down stairs, his hooves echoing through the hallway. MOM?! MOM?! Over here! His mother calls out. He sprints to the electrical room. Oh didn't expect you 2 to be in this room. Well I was just seeing if there was any way of getting the electricity working his mother explains. Dad was looking for you, not sure why. Oh alright tell him I'll be there in a bit. Follower did ya get the door to budge any? His sister Greeter says. No sis sorry, those chains are to strong. That's alright, I'm going upstairs with mom, we are going to paint, we found extra paint in the furnace room, odd we found some there right? Yeah it is Follower says. Well anyway see ya big bro.

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