The chained wooden door

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          (Angela's pov)

Angela gets out of bed late in the morning 10:00AM. I yawn- good morning Bonnie the kitty cat. Just moving here a few days ago I don't know the place to well. I decide to take my horse out for a ride his name is Asriel Dreemurr. He is an apendix flea bitten grey, with a silver  mane and tail. We strolled through the golden fields calmly passing through the quiet neighborhood. Until we saw a very old raggedy but sturdy stone building. It was tall with very small windows with small wire on them, the windows were a brown tint,a tint to where you couldn't see through them. There are chains on the buildings red and faded yellow sturdy heavy wooden doors. Cool a abandon building you thought as you dismount your horse and walk over. Ariel seemed calm and approached calmly as you did. You tugged at the chains, then knocked on the door curiously. You could hear the echo of the knock from inside the building. You hear a voice from the other side. Is anyone there?! Yeah! You say. Wow, it's been so long since I've talked to anyone else! His beep voice makes you feel encouraged, and enlightened. What's your name? You ask. Follower, Follower La Marrow, what's yours? I'm Angela, Angela Francis. How long have you been stuck here? You ask. My entire life he responds, can you break these chains? Hmmm maybe I'll be back tomorrow Follower, I'll be back with bolt cutters :D. Wait Angela don't go yet please I'm so lonely here. ( you also have been feeling quiet lonely your self not having any friends in Colorado and moving away from your previous friends). Ok I'll stay for a bit but I do need to unpack I just moved to a new house. Wow that must be exiting Follower said. Yeah it is you say. Hey Angela what is it like outside? Well the sky is blue with a few clouds, their are a few beautiful trees around with long golden grass. And my horse is with me, his name is Asriel. WOW! YOU HAVE A HORSE?! Yeah he's great you say. Oh man I wish I could ride he says with a sad tone. So Follower you have been stuck in there your entire life? Yep, sure have it's super boring and all you want to do is go outside and meet others and be a normal entity, he explains. Follower how old are you? I'm 16, what about you? You are also 16). I'm also 16. Hey that's really cool, he says. Angela are you a girl? Yes, you reply. May I call you Angel? He asks. Uhhh.... sure ya can, you reply. Your phone buzzes in your pocke
t and your horse points his ears in the direction of the device. Oh, it's my dad, you explain. I didn't hear anything,other than that buzzing sound, Follower says. That's because it's on my phone. What's a phone, he asks. A phone is a way for people to communicate. Ohhh, I see, he says. I'll see you later Follower, also can I call you Follow? Sure, he says. Ok see ya, bye. See you Angel. You wave good bye and hop on your horse and take your leave. You spent the rest of the unpacking and looking for those bolt cutters you find them, and put them in your room. Before you go to bed you think of his calming deep voice and drift off to sleep, dreaming of what he might look like.

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