R O B B E R: 18

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"So how do we fix things?" Sasha asked. We were sitting at the dinner table discussing our new plans for our future, together.

"Well it's obvious you're moving back in." I shrugged.

"Aren't things going to be awkward?"

"Not unless you make them. Have you been in a relationship before?" I asked. She thought about it.

"Not really." She said scrapping the broccoli to the edge of her plate. Well this is a new side of Sasha.

"Sasha?" I called out. She tilted her head up to me.

"I'm not going to force you to love me, I want to make sure you're comfortable."

"No! I am, it's just when it comes to this types of things I get kind of awkward, especially flirting and initiating sex." She said the last part in a whisper. I chuckled.

"Sasha, you have flirted with me many times before. You're naturally flirtatious, just be yourself. I know how you operate."

"This is so weird." She mumble sipping some of the wine. I had limited her to two cups considering she was such a lightweight she could get drunk off water.

"I want you to relax and do what you normally do. I'll adapt to you."

"So what are you some love guru? Steve Harvey?"

"No. I just know you well enough to predict how you're going to act."

"Yeah whatever. I'll do dishes."

"So are you going to sleep in the same room with me?" I noticed her fidgeting a bit.


Relax hun, let it be natural. I reminded myself.

"Sure." I shrugged getting up to do the dishes. If you told me that I would be in a relationship two days ago I would've smacked you on the spot. I was expecting for feelings to develop but I wasn't expecting all of this. Damn, that means I'm going to actually have to build an intimate connection with someone with who I have a special interest with.

"Sasha you're tense, relax Love." Calum said from behind me. I can't believe I'm being this dramatic over a relationship. "Sasha. Put the dishes down and come with me." Calum said grabbing one of my soap hands. I put the dish down and he let me into an open area. He led my hands to his shoulders while his rested at my waist. Slowly we swayed together.

"Calum what are you doing?" A smile growing on my face.

"This is a bonding exercise, duh?"

"And where did you get this stupid idea to dance with no music?" I asked glancing down at my feet.

"Wikihow, but that's not the point! Just get comfortable. You lead, I follow." He said. I craned my neck to look up at him and let out a small chuckle.

"I'm horrible at dancing." I whispered.

"Who cares. It's just us Sasha."

"You're right. It's just us." I could feel myself starting to melt into him and we slowly became one.


"Don't think I don't see you all up on Calum hoe. Y'all finally confessed?" I rolled my eyes as Scarlett barged into my office.

"You know I am your boss and I can fire you right?"

"I guess. But I need to know so I can feel complete." She said dramatically falling into one of my chairs.

"Yes. We're together." I said the last part hushed. She started yelling and praise dancing and I could see some of the other workers peer into my office.

"Scarlett, back to work, now." I said sternly. I shook my head and continued to file these papers.

"What was that about?" Calum asked closing my office door behind him.

"Scarlett found out we were a thing."

"Oh. Damn. Anyways I came here cause I'm heading to lunch. You want something?" He asked.

"Yeah get me-"

"A spicy chicken wrap with Iced Matcha?" He answered. Maybe he did know me well.

"Correct, here's so-"

"As your boyfriend I'm taking the role of paying. Plus, I still have to pay you back for that lo-"

"Don't mention it." I shrugged looking down at my paper work.

"You're a stubborn one Ms.Pierce."

"Thank you Mr.Jones. You may leave now." I said with a playful sternness.


The next chapter is going to be them 2 years in advanced so we can get some good content in here. Hope you guys like it! (Note the partial sarcasm)

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