R O B B E R: 9

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I woke up and stretched. I stumbled to my bathroom and brushed my teeth, it was the weekend and I was excited to be around Sasha all day, she brung me peace and happiness, even though I would barely show it. I did a light stretch before deciding to head up to her room to see how she was feeling from last night's events.
Then I remembered.

I felt a small blush cover my face as I slowly went up the spiral staircase that led to her room. I knocked three times and when I heard nothing I entered.

She was still passed out on her bed entangled in the covers. A light smile covered my face, how beautiful.

I opened her curtains and allowed the beautiful sun light to enter through. I heard her groan.

"Good Morning Sasha, it's time for you to get up." I said leaning over her.

"Leave me alone, I don't feel like it today." She mumbled into her pillow. I yanked the blankets off of her.

"Your friends are coming over today, we still need to cook, get the house decorations set up and clean."

"Jeez, you know you can be a real asshole." She put her feet in her bunny slippers with her eyes still closed and I helped her up. She went into the bathroom and I made her bed. A few minutes later she came out with a toothbrush in her mouth.

"What's got you in a good mood anyway? Did you sleep with a woman last night?" I chuckled at her ridiculous assumption.

"What makes you think I'm in a good mood?" I asked sitting on her bed.

"You're really talkative today."

"I'm trying to talk more, since you said you think my voice is sexy." She gasped.

"Did I really say that last night when I was drunk?" I smirked in amusement and nodded, she swore under her breath and finished brushing her teeth. She came back out and put her hair into a messy bun, the hem of her shirt lifted a little and I was able to see the skin of her stomach, it looked smooth, and soft, and tasty.

"What do I have something on my shirt?" She asked looking down and stretching out the shirt for her optical benefit.

"No, of course not, I was daydreaming." She raised an eyebrow. She headed towards the exit of her bedroom and I followed.

"The kitchen is probably a me-" she gazed the spotless kitchen and inner me smiled with appreciation.

"Thank you for cleaning my kitchen, I'm sorry you had to deal with drunk Sasha. She can be hectic sometimes."

"It's no problem, you weren't that troubling." I lied. Hopefully she doesn't remember that she kissed me, and I didn't refuse.

"Okay so, let's get this cooking started I guess." She said pulling out a bunch of cooking instruments.

Four hours later

We had made a range of food items, in which I tested all of them. We took a deep breath and looked at our work. She smiled.

"You know you are such a sweetheart, thank you so much for helping me with this, and with everything else."

"It's no problem Sasha. I do what I can to help you." She smiled and unexpectedly gave me a hug.

"You are amazing, I can't wait until you go back into the real world and you do it right. Promise me you'll do it right this time?" My arms wrapped around her waist as I mumbled;

"I promise I'll do it right." What people didn't see was that Sasha Pierce was the most loving and caring woman I've ever known. Her heart and soul was truly pure, and when her defense was put down she mimicked the movements of a white butterfly. So graceful. But a lot of people didn't see that. They saw a scorching bitch who's heart was hidden behind an arctic glacier.

I think I was starting to love this woman.

"You can let go of me now." She mumbled into my chest. I quickly released her.

"Sorry." I whispered.

"Okay, now we have to get ready, wear formal attire, not the whole suit and tie, but a nice button up and some jeans will do." I nodded.

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