R O B B E R: 3

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I looked at this gorgeous lady and stared amazed.
Did she acknowledge me as someone lower than her? Yes
But did I care?

I didn't know how to describe my feelings. It was like I was in love.
But I wasn't.
I walked behind her as she quickly went into the next store.

"Here is where your causal attire will come from. Do you need help figuring out your style?" I shrugged. I wanted her to observe me, I also didn't know what my "style" was. She let out a sigh. "Alright chop chop Calum. Let's do some shopping." She said ushering me to hurry. I looked at the live male models walking around the store. Some staring at Sasha. My brain immediately went into protection mode.

Calm down Calum. You don't even know her.

"Calum!" She shouted. I realized she was halfway across the room trying to reach for something. I connected eyes with the male model and he smirked before heading her way. I quickly shuffled my way over and sent a glare to the shirtless male. Warning him to not come near what was mine. He backed off quickly. "Can you get those jeans for me." She said. Even in her heels she barely came to my pectorals. I grabbed them.

"These look about your size. I'm gonna grab a couple of shirts and you're gonna try them on." I silently nodded and she gave a light smile before heading to another side of the room I sighed.
Why was she doing all this for me?
I'm nothing.
Never was and never will be anything.

At least that's what I've been told since I was young.
I was a survivor of two druggy parents.
They snorted cocaine, injected heroine and drank hard liquor constantly.
I was abused for nine years of my life and never knew anything else.

You're so fucking dumb
However, I had straight a's and skipped two grades and graduated early.

You're talentless
However I was the best player on the basketball team and could play the violin like no one else could despite being home trained.

You're going to end up on the streets.
That was the only late they were right about.

They died when I was fifteen, forcing me to go into a foster home.

I ran away when I was sixteen.

I never went to college.

So then, I found myself breaking into Sasha Pierce's house.

"Calummm. Are you going to keep drifting off into space?"

"Sorry. No." I replied shortly. I wanted to say more. But after years of abuse, I learned that short answers were the best answers.

"Okay. So go try these on. Come out show me then tell me what you think." I nodded and went into the dressing room.


I wondered what went on in that beautiful head of his, so quiet, but he seemed so knowledgeable.

Stop it Sasha. You already took a chance doing this. You're out of chances, out of lives, out of scores. Period.

"Ms.Pierce." Calum said coming out. I looked up and him. He had on a white T-shirt with a pair of dark blue denim jeans that hugged him perfectly. Absentmindedly, I bit my lip. "Ms.Pierce?"

"Oh. Yes, yes. It's looks good. Go try on something else." He went back and I clenched my jaw.

Stop it Sasha
Strictly for the good of humanity
Not the good of your puss-

"Ms.Sasha." I looked up and I saw him in a gray sweatsuit. I started drooling.
Actually. I closed my eyes.

"Yes, perfect. Now get anything else you want. Here's my card I'll be outside on a business call." I said handing him my card. He nodded taking it. I walked outside and sat on a bench. I immediately called my bestie.

"Francesca, girl. I have some tea for you." I started. I told her about all the stuff that had happened in the last two days.

"So you realize how fine he is and you're like dripping wet for him."

"Way to be explicit but basically yes."

"Damn girl. But finally. You found someone."

"I barely know him."

"Well what are you waiting for? Take him to a restaurant and get to know him." I groaned.

"Ms.Pierce. I'm ready." Calum said. I shrieked.

"Is that him? His voice is Daddy deep."

"I'm hanging up." I said before hanging up.

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