Chapter 2

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Naruto POV 

As Ayame took me inside, the delicious smell that I smelt outside got even stronger. I sat down on one of the many stools as Ayame walked behind the counter.

"Dad this is Naruto. I found him hiding all alone in the alley way outside. He looked hungry so I was wondering if we could give him some food?" Ayame asked her dad who was in the middle of mixing a foggy liquid in a massive pot.  He glanced at me quickly before looking at Ayame and nodding his head.

He turned around and put some of the liquid in a bowl. He then walked to a table and put meat, some noodles and various other things that I don't know into the bowl with the liquid. He picked up the bowl and placed it in front of me.

"Nice to meet you Naruto. I'm Teuchi and I run this shop. It's called Ichiraku and we sell Ramen. Now go on, dig in. Don't worry about paying I'll deal with that." Said the nice man now know as Teuchi. I thanked him with a nod, picked up the chopsticks and started eating. It was a very delicious meal, the best I've had ever.

After I finished I placed my cutlery down and jumped off of the stool. As I started to walk out of the restaurant, Ayame stopped me.  "Where are you going now Naruto. Do you have a place to stay? I could try and get your parents to walk you home if you would like." She said to me sweetly. I shook my head before answering.  "No its ok, I have a place to go its all good," I said as I left the building.

I felt a little bad for lying to her but I didn't want to become a burden. 

Time Jump

I had been walking for around an hour when a little girl who looked a little bit familiar came running up to me. She looked to be around 4 years old. She was wearing a pink dress with a white puffy bottom and had pigtails in her hair. She looked at me, handed me a letter that she had had in her hands and ran back in the direction she had come from. Curious, I found a bench to sit on and opened the letter.

"Dear Naruto Uzumaki.  As you are now the age of 6, it is compulsory for you to attend the ninja academy this year.  This year will be a test run and if you enjoy it and want to continue to learn how to be a ninja, you can go through with the following 6 years. So if you are successful, you will graduate at the age of 12.  You will need to be at the academy tomorrow 8.45am.
Until then,
Hiruzen Sarutobi, the 3rd Hokage."

After reading the letter, I felt a bit happier. Maybe at the academy I'll make some real friends. Friends that will love and treat me like a human and not a demon. I closed the letter and placed it on my lap, only to realise how trashy my clothes look and how dirty I am. If I go the the academy like this no one will want to be my friend. So I got up to start the journey of finding new clothes and a place to get clean.

After around 10 minutes of walking I had arrived at my first destination in the middle of the town.

The shopping district.

I didn't have any money so my plan was to find money on the floor that people had dropped. With determination, I set out to find any and all coins and bills on the floor. After looking around I had found 10 dollars. Seems like people drop money a lot around here.

With the money I had, I walked into the cheapest looking clothing shop I could find to get me some clothes. Eventually I found something I could afford. It was an orange jumpsuit. It wasn't the most fashionable thing but it was something. I also got some shoes and underwear. You just got to have underwear. It's a necessity.

I purchased my clothes and made my way to the lake. It is the only place that I could clean myself. When I got there, I jumped in with my old clothes still on and gave myself a wash. After I thought I was as clean as I could get, I jumped out and got changed into my new clothes behind a bush. By the time I had finished changing the sun was starting to set. Most people would be hungry by now after only having breakfast but I'm used to it, sadly.

I started to walk around to find a place to sleep for the night, when I stumbled across a playground. Tonight. I decided that a little playhouse would do me fine for the night. I crawled inside and snuggled up into the most secluded corner, before quickly falling sleep.

Hey guys and gals, It's Lijah.

This chapter was the last one to be written by StrangerOtaku meaning that the rest of this story will be of my creation. Just a warning, the following chapters will be much longer than these two. Hope that's okay with you all.


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