Part 7 - First class dick!

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Mac whispered something to Cat as he put his arm around her and began to walk her towards the hotel, he sighed heavily, obviously fed up of Jesse's bullshit, he gestured for the rest of the band to follow.

     "Aren't you going to go after him?" Asked Zach, usually Mac didn't let them go two feet away without him, he took his job and their safety so seriously that Dex often felt suffocated by him.

     "Nah" replied Mac, "I'm not here to babysit, he got himself in this mess, he can get himself out! He'll be back when he's ready" he'd clearly had enough of him and Dex understood. Mac wasn't there to sort his alcohol or drug problems, he was there to sort the movements and security of the band which Jesse was hugely compromising.

Approaching the main entrance to the hotel Dex leaned over to Millie
     "I should really go after him" He whispered. Millie was annoyed that he was even considering it.
    "There's no way Mac would let you go" she replied
    "I know, but he's my friend and he'd do the same for me" replied Dex
Millie couldn't understand why he would even want to go, after the scene he had just caused, leaving Cat crying on the pavement. Jesse was being a dick! And she was fairly sure Jesse wouldn't have done the same for Dex!

     "I think he's better left to calm down" replied Millie, hoping to dissuade him, she didn't want him risking his own safety going out without his security for Jesse who was being so fucking selfish!

     "I guess" agreed Dex reluctantly. Millie exhaled deeply, relieved that he had reconsidered.

Upstairs, Dex held open the hotel room door for Millie, she kissed him as she walked past him into the room, he grabbed her round the waist playfully pulling her into him, letting go of the heavy door it jerked closed, hitting them both!

   "Owww" giggled Millie; Dex laughed still trying to kiss at the same time. Not stopping to turn the lights on he pulled her into the room, bumping into all of the furniture attempting to find the bed! The moonlight shone through the windows giving him just enough light to make out the bed in the centre of the room. They flopped down on the bed, still tangled up in each other, they banged heads.

"Owwww" exclaimed Millie, giggling again.

"Shush you" said Dex putting his finger to her lips, whilst laughing a little himself. He was clumsy, it was just his nature, she'd get used to it.
As much as Millie was caught up in the moment Jesse and Cat were still in the back of her mind, for a brief moment she worried where Cat was, was she ok? She wondered if really she should be with Cat, comforting her, she was away from home, upset and alone in a strange country, Millie felt like she should be a good friend. But they weren't friends, Millie didn't know Cat at all. She tried to temporarily put her thoughts to the back of her mind. She barely had any time with Dex and she wanted to enjoy it, I'm sure Mac's taking care of her she reassured herself and attempted to reign her thoughts back to Dex.

Looking down at her beneath him the moon shone down on her face creating the perfect romantic setting, pushing himself up on his elbows he looked into her pretty big brown eyes, she smiled at him, he could see she was thinking about something, her eyes darted from side to side in obvious battle in her head.

"What's up" asked Dex, Millie hesitated.

"Do you think I should go and see if Cat is ok?" she asked "I mean she was upset and away from home, maybe another girl to talk to would help?" Millie really didn't want to leave Dex but she felt some kind of moral duty to be a good person despite having only just met Cat it was as if there was a universal women's code or something she just felt like it was the right thing to do

"Are you ever thinking of me when we're doing this?" Asked Dex

"Last time it was Aria's wedding, this time, Cat, am I boring you?" Joked Dex

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