Chapter Thirty-Four, Part One

Start from the beginning

The scent of vanilla wafts through the air when you step into the counselor's room. There's a single desk and three chairs: one for her and two for her guests, plus the short bookshelf set on the rightmost corner of the room. The simplicity makes the winged monster stand out more than customary, though her presence is inviting rather than threatening, her smile and eyes being the main reason for it. She offers for you and your son to take a seat, and you notice the product of the aroma when you accept her offer. A small incense burner is at the edge of her desk, dispersing small puffs of vanilla all across the area.

Pleasantries are exchanged for a while, until it's time for her to confront Faust for visiting her office. She concentrates solely on him as she interrogates him over recent events and how he was coping with them. Stunned, the child stays quiet for a while, though you give him a soft nudge on the shoulder in hopes of him regaining the courage he displayed with you for the past few days.

"Don't be afraid, Faust," the Whimsun soothes, handing the boy a napkin when she sees him tear up. She's different to your co-worker in the sense that she talks louder and that she acts more confidently compared to her, though her appearance is almost the same as Sunny's. It's a scenario similar to the one when Faust failed his first math test, with the exception it was the school counselor now, and that Faust hadn't burst or made a fit. Unlike that day, he was trying to keep calm by blinking through the tears and looking down at his school shoes. "I'm here to listen."

His persistent demeanor from the past few days crumbles as he grows sullen and starts to sob, covering his face with his hands. Unfit to see him like this, you frown and offer him support by putting an arm around him, pulling him close to you. He buries his face against your shoulder, hiccups, and pulls away, managing to smile right as it falls back into a quivering frown. "I wanna go home. . ." he murmurs, looking down at the floor again. Quietly, he sniffs and wipes his tears with the sleeve of his uniform, avoiding your and the counselor's line of sight.

"You can do that after you tell me how you feel," the counselor persists, offering him another napkin. "(Miss/Mister) (Y/N) here told me you were taking this better than expected, but that your mood changed whenever the subject of your tutor or other parent was brought up."

"Sans's not my tutor anymore," Faust corrects, tone sounding angry and tired. You nudge him again as a way of scolding him for his behavior, though the Whimsun dismisses your intervention with the simple wave of her hand. "And Jessie's not my parent anymore."

"Why do you say that, Faust?"

"(Mom/Dad) says I can't get near Sans 'cuz he has that thing on his ankle. Bu- But I know they're hanging out in secret! I've heard (Y/N) talk with him on the phone before, but they won't let me see him."

"And what about Jessie, then? Do you dislike them?"

"(Y/N) does," Faust replies, faint creases forming on his forehead when he thinks too deeply over the subject. "I. . . I don't know if I do. But I'm angry at what they did to (mom/dad). J- Jessie made them upset before, but they hurt (Y/N) this time. . . And I don't know if I can forgive them anymore."

"Go on," she requests, nodding. "What was it that you saw when you brought the officer home with you?"

"I- I saw Jessie strangling (Y/N) when they were supposed to be sleeping. . . I heard screaming and weird noises from (mom/dad)'s room, and saw Jessie hurting (Y/N) when I opened the door. I went there with a police officer who said Jessie escaped from prison, and that they broke into our house."

"Just how much did you see?"

"I. . ."

Faust tells the counselor of all the things he had witnessed ever since the trail came to an end. He tells her in detail of Sans's sentence, of your hidden conversations with him, but most importantly, of the things he had seen when opening the door to your room. He almost grows petrified when he mentions what he'd seen. With a strained voice, he states kissing was only meant to be done without forcing the other person into it. Faust had seen the last time Jessie tried to kiss you, and it was clear you weren't in favour of them doing that based on the way you struggled to break free.

Remembering that day, you feel a shudder reach your spine and stand up involuntarily, excusing yourself from the two as you exit the Whimsun's office.

A breeze blows past when you step out of the room, taking this chance to view the school's east premises from afar. You can see a few students still waiting for their parents to pick them up, teachers talking with one another as they watch over the students, and Undyne covering up for Sans by sweeping the floors free from debris, taking a break every once in a while to have a talk with Alphys.

"Are you alright, (ma'am/sir)?"

You perk up at the sound of that voice, distant but familiar all the same.

Thank you for 1k+ reads! I hope you've been enjoying this story just as much as I have writing it. :-)

Take care, and see you 'till the next update!

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