I Crown Thee King Pupper!

Start from the beginning

"And you, scratching Dude's belly makes you happy. Who would've thought?" She turns to me.

And Cass," She gives me a confused yet amused look, "Cass, you have amused everyone with your craziness and I've seen the way your face lights up when you're playing with Dude or the other cats. I know you love the new friends you've made here." I give a small smile as she turns to Ribbon.

"And Evie... You do not have to play dumb to get a guy. You are so smart." She pauses, "and I don't want to take over the world with evil. It doesn't make me happy. I want to go to school and be with Ben, because Ben makes me really happy." She turns and smiles at Pupper before turning back to us, "Us being friends makes me really happy. Not destroying things. I choose good, you guys." She puts her fist out. We hesitate but Muscles is first to join her.

"I choose good too." He says before Evie gets in too.

"I choose good." They look at me and Carlos.

"Technically I was never evil," I put a paw in before shaking my potato at them, "but I'm not giving up my insanity," I point the spud at Mal, "and I still want my cat toy you promised me."

"Deal." Pixie and the rest laugh before we look at Carlos.

"So, just to be clear, we don't have to be worried about how really mad our parents will be? Because they're gonna be really, really mad."

"Your parents can't reach you here."

"Okay, then," Spotty smiles putting in his fist in, "Good." We smile before a puff of smoke comes in and Maleficent appears.

"I'm back!" Leficy sing songs.

"It can't be." Mal mumbles before saying, "Go away, Mother."

"She's funny. Oh! I'm so... you're very funny." Leficy laughs, "Here. Wand me. Chop chop." She makes the wand fly out of Pixie's hand before the Fairy Mother tries to stop her.


"Boo. Psych." Leficy laughs, making all the Auradon peoples freeze. She then walks over to Beast, taking off his glasses.

"Ooh. Ooh, in another time, in another time." Gross! She then does a bit of a dance while humming something and heading to FG.

"Oh. Oh, no. Someone needs to pluck their nose hairs." She says poking the wand in Mother Fairy's nose before asking, "Where shall we begin? I know. Why don't we start by getting rid of this?" She points it at Mal, making as ring fly off her finger, upsetting Pixie.

"Perfect fit!" Leficy exclaims, before ducking under FG's arms, "Oh, excuse me. Pardon me. Excuse me. The horns, the horns!" She then walks over to Ben, "Aw... Falling in love is weak... And ridiculous. It's not what you want."

"You don't know what I want!" Mal snaps, "Mom, have you ever once asked me what I want? I'm not you!"

"Oh, obviously. I've had years and years and years and... Years of practice being evil. You'll get there."

"No, I will not and I really wish that you had never gotten there yourself." Mal admits, "Love is not weak or ridiculous. It's actually really amazing."

"I know one thing, young lady. You have no room for love in your life!" Horn lady snaps.

"And now I command, wand to my hand!" Pixie says for the magic stick to fly to her, "Ha! It worked!"

"I hardly think so. Frankly, this is tedious and very immature. Give me the wand. Give me the wand!"

"Hold on, Mal." Carlos steps in, "Maybe good really is more powerful than evil."

"Gee really? Is that why the good guys always win and the bad guys always lose?" I ask, sarcastically. Man, this headache had made me snappy, or is that my normal self?

"Oh, please! You're killing me." Leficy whines.

"Hey, leave them alone lady!" I hear Dude yell before running and jumping into Leficy's arms. He may be a doggo but he's brave.

"Oh! Oh, the breath! The breath! Get off me! Gaston should be jealous." Leficy says before Jay, foolishly enough, tries taking her staff, but gets thrown back. "Enough! You all will regret this!" Leficy yells before transforming into a dragon.

"Come on. Run, Jay, run!" Carlos yells and we all race back and away from the fire breath lizard.

"Hurry, Jay. Hurry, hurry, hurry! Jay! Watch it, Jay Jay, come on Please, Jay! Jay!" Mal calls before I remember I have a potato.

"Potato away!" I yell and throw it at Ms. Scaley. She then comes after me and I duplicate and run in circles, confusing her. Evie soon jumps into the mix.

"Magic mirror, show your bright light!" Ribbon says blinding Maleficent as I get back to normal.

"Behind me, girls!" Mal commands for us to obey. "Leave my friends alone! This is between you and me, Mother." She pauses as they start to have a stare off.

"The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one." Mal chants as we gather around her, "The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one. The strength of evil is good as none, when stands before five hearts as one!"

With a cloud of smoke Leficy shrinks to the size of that of a wonderland rat and Fairy Mother unfreezes.

"What just happened?" Ribbon asks.

"I have no idea." Pixie relies.

"Did you do it?"

"I don't know."

"No, no, no, no. Your mother did." Mother Fairy states as we all meet to stand over the walking snake, "She shrank to the size of the love in her heart. That's why It's so itty-bitty."

"Is she gonna be like that forever?" Pixie questions, as the two crouch down to Leficy.

"Well forever is a long time." FG smiles at M, "You learned to love, so can she."

"I believe this belongs to you." Pixie says giving the wand back.

"And I believe this," Mother Fairy pauses, picking up Mal's metal hoop, "belongs to you." The two stand up. "You all have completed remedial goodness class." She turns to the crowd, "Bibbity Bobbity Boo!"

Everyone unfreezes, with Pupper running down the steps for Mal to stop him.

"Okay okay we've kinda wrapped it up here." Pixie says, laughing. Bennyboo gives her a spinning hug before putting her back down.

"Next time I save you." He says.

"Yeah, let's not let there be a next time." M laughs. Say where's my spud?

"What happened to my potato?" I ask Ribbon. She laughs.

"It kinda got mashed. When you threw it at Maleficent."

"Yeah, why did you even have a potato?" Bennyboo asks.

"Hey, you humans use water bricks, I use potatoes. They work." I explain for them to laugh before Pupper and Evie wrap there arms around my shoulders.

"Let's get this party started." Muscles says.

"Oh-a, Oh-a, hey!" We chant as we feel a song coming on.

Okay, sorry for not making her as crazy in this chapter as she is in the others but she is suffering through a headache. What will happen tonight as they celebrate? You'll find out soon!

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