Defend the Kingdom!

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I finally get back to the courtyard and find Dude under a picnic table, digging in the mud.

"Heya mutt." I say, putting my box down.

"Hey cat. What's with the box?" He asks tilting his head in that cute puppy way.

"It's my castle." I explain turning into cat mode.

"Castle? A box isn't a castle."

"Oh yes it is Dude." I hear a sassy yet classy voice say. I turn around to see three cats about my age. One was pure white, another orange and the last one was black and gray.

"Honestly Dude, you should really remember how to play pretend since we've done so soooo much." The white cat said.

"Ah Marie, stop giving him a hard time. We're supposed to be here to have fun." The orange one said.

"Well I still want a proper introduction."

"Why do you need one?" Blacky asks.

"Because I'm a lady that's why." Snowball says walking towards me.

"You're not a lady." Tangerine argues, grabbing Snowy's tail.

"Yeah, you're nothing but a sister." Midnight agrees before the orange one pulls Snow back. Dude decides to finally step in.

"Hey guys, this is my friend Cassandra, the Cheshire Cat's daughter. Cass these are my friends from Paris. Toulouse is the orange, black one's Berlioz, and if you couldn't guess Marie's the white one." Dude says, as Marie gets up and dusts herself off.

"Pleasure to meet you Cassandra." Berlioz says stepping forward and giving a slight bow.

"Please, call me Cass, and it's nice meeting you three too. Now you up for a game of castle?"

"Sure. How do you play?" Touley asks.

"Well, my box is the castle and Dude is the evil canine monster who's trying to take it over." I explain.

"Why do I have to be the monster?" Dude whines.

"Because you're the only dog." I state, bluntly, "I call being the jester!"

"I'm head night!" Toulouse claims.

"I'm second knight!" 'Loz adds.

"I'll be the princess." Marie smiles for her brothers to silently groan before I tip the box on it's side and me and Marie climb inside.

Fantasy world

"Once upon a time, in the kingdom of coconut latte, Princess Marshmallow-"

"Marshmallow?" Marie cuts me off. Great.

Back to reality.

"Yes Marshmallow. What other name would you have me use?" I ask, slightly annoyed.

"I was thinking we'd use our real names."

"You can't use your real name, Marie." Berlioz says peeking into the box, "It's no fun that way."

"Yeah, it's way more fun having a made up name. It could be something really formal, something noble, or in my case, something crazy funny." I explain for her to hesitate.

"Oh, alright, but may I please pick the name?"

"Sure." I shrug, " What name do you want?"

"Princess Sunny Orchid Breeze." She smiles.

"Fine." I sigh.

Back to Fantasy world

"Once upon a time, in the kingdom of coconut latte, Princess Sunny Orchid Breeze, Sunny for short, was in her castle accompanied by her faithful jester Lavender McWiggleson." I start.

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