(redo) 12~ Comfortable

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(Omg the difference in the size of their muscles lol!)

The afternoon shifted swiftly to evening.

Miyeon excitedly invited Taehyung to have dinner with them for the first time in the Jeon Palace. She made sure that every other member of the family was already sat at the dining table almost half an hour early, just so she could lecture them on how to behave like royalty, manner and all that stuff, because though the reputation of the Jeon family was grand, they just seemed to act like regular people not trying too hard to act all stuck up and posh, which is perhaps why they were loved by their kingdom so much.

Once Taehyung arrived, he was surprised to see how everyone was sat there already, eagerly eyeing the food infront of them in hunger. The sight was rather amusing, and it made him laugh slightly. As soon as they'd noticed he was there, Miyeon quickly reached towards him and made him take the seat by her.
Jin came towards Taehyung to properly greet him the first time since he'd arrived, though he'd been wanting to do it sooner.
Taehyung knew it was awkward, but he was sure they'd overcome it now that they were far away from the Kim family.
The Jeon Alpha introduced himself in his jolly manner, and Namjoon followed after with politeness, asking if Taehyung had recovered okay.

Everyone tried their best to comfort and welcome Taehyung; they encouraged him to have seconds and kept pouring drinks into his glass. They all had fun together and made Taehyung wonder how they managed to look so intimidating but at the table they were all so friendly and calm.

Miyeon noticed Taehyung was looking for a certain someone who wasn't seated at the table. She smiled,
"Jungkook should be here soon he's just running late,"

Taehyung instantly realised he'd been too obvious and nodded in embarrassment.

Taehyung enjoyed each and every bit of the dinner he could manage to stuff himself with, he hadn't ever gotten to eat food that was worthy of his position; rank aside he was a prince, though a hidden one until recently.

He was so immersed in devouring everything on his plate slowly so he could feel the delight in the flavours that he didn't even notice Jungkook had arrived, and was seated by Namjoon opposite Taehyung. They seemed to be having a serious talk about something as he could see the distress displayed on their faces, but soon it became clear an issue was up.

"Jungkook. I warned you to stay well out of this. Your brother and I can fully take care of this on our own. You should just carry on with your training."
The Jeon Alpha's playful ways had been engulfed by a sudden arrogant demeanour. The stern tone in his voice echoed and silence was called upon at the table.

Everyone froze, Miyeon sat blankly watching what would unfold.

Taehyung fiddled with his folk and plate trying to divert his concern, but he could see how hurt Jungkook was by his father's words and it pained him to see the other that way.

"But father how long am I supposed to go on like this!!!! If you'd just come and see I'm much stronger than you was-"

"But not strong enough to be worth the superior alpha status you seem to have." The Jeon Alpha fired back.
Jungkook stood up furiously with anger and stormed out of the dining room.

The tense atmosphere worried Taehyung so much.

"Why must you always say that? Don't you see how hard the boy works to become worthy in your eyes! Will you stop setting such unrealistic standards for a young man who's grown up in front of my eyes with a guilt of something that wasn't his fault to begin with!!!" Miyeon shouted when she'd finally lost it. She ran after Jungkook.

The Jeon Alpha sighed deeply, and Namjoon requested for them to speak seperately, excusing themselves from the table.
That left Jin and Taehyung left to stare at the half empty plates.

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